Is this writer: naive, inexperienced or joking ?

Story: Linux Desktop Stigma Draws Ire and FireTotal Replies: 11
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Jun 18, 2010
6:04 AM EDT
Put it this way: if you log onto some sites where Windows rules the roost and if you then dare to suggest that Linux could solve the problems that are being discussed, you get absolutely crucified let alone "flamed". I've met it too many times and ZDNet - USA is one of the worst sites I have encountered for this attribute, while ZDNet-UK is delightful, refined and the items are debated without personal attack.

I no longer participate on ZDNet-USA forums. You can be quite reticent, subdued and merely suggesting that the Linux alternative might be worth a look.........and you will be taken apart by personal abuse, diatribe, filthy language (the words are partially obliterated so they don't hit the censors, but you know what is being said) and totally irrational nonsense. Best of all, you will find "trolls" who will try to get you to use general statements that they can attack specifically and then pour on the ridicule. And above all, never, never, never make such a suggestion on those articles written by a journalist who is also a Windows fan.

Certainly, there are Linux fanatics.....but I think we have a lot to learn as yet from the Windows devotees as regards vitriolic attack.

As the writer suggests, one can stand up for Linux against overzealous fans, but it does become difficult when the abuse reaches the intensity I have encountered.

Jun 18, 2010
6:41 AM EDT
Q: Is this writer: naive, inexperienced or joking ?

A: It's Ken Hess.

Jun 18, 2010
6:44 AM EDT
> It's Ken Hess.

Even worse, it's Ken Hess on Daniweb. As others have noted, Ken's writing in other places is far superior to what he puts up on Daniweb.

Jun 18, 2010
6:45 AM EDT
Regarding fanatics, it reminded me of this comic:

Jun 18, 2010
6:56 AM EDT
To me, it seems, writing articles like this (though I only read the first few lines) is just the way to attract as many attention as possible. Calling 'iCrap' and pretending to have forgotten what Windows was called, is sure going to result in some flamewars. I have seen behaviour like this from Mr. Hess on Daniweb more often. Seems like they're OK with Daniweb being a website for flaming.

I'm not joining however. Normally, the less pretentious articles are, the more interesting they are.

Compare this, the 'looks' of the Daniweb style:

with this, for example the LKML style:

and even if you can't read what's being said, it will be trivial which of the two is most interesting to read. Nonetheless, the first is the most popular.

Jun 18, 2010
6:56 AM EDT
Hmmmmmmmm...........Okay, it would appear that I am naive, inexperienced and "joking" with respect to Ken Hess. Anyone care to elucidate ? Or shouldn't I ask because that is that counted as flaming etc. ?

Edit: Um......looks like hkwint has answered me......thanks. 2nd edit;.........yep......and everyone else. Thanks to you too.

Jun 19, 2010
7:34 AM EDT
It's meant to be funny.

Jun 19, 2010
1:46 PM EDT
" I think it rhymes with Shmindows" What rhymes with "Shmindows". Schmidt's toes? It must be something so obscure and outdated that the memory of it is lost in ancient history. Seriously, most of us live in a free country, and there is no freedom without more than one choice. That's true whether Schmindows or Linux is the only choice. There should be an "OS for Dummies" (and I'm not kidding) for people who don't want anything more.

Jun 19, 2010
3:45 PM EDT
zentrader, don't you think the iPad and similar tablet devices meet the "OS for Dummies" criterion? Users don't even need to type, just poke. Finally, the one-finger computer.

Jun 19, 2010
3:48 PM EDT
tuxchick - pardon the obvious joke, but since it's so nicely set up already I can't resist: I gave the i-Pad my one finger already.

Jun 19, 2010
4:03 PM EDT
Ooops, walked right into that one! No need to be sorry :)

Jun 20, 2010
1:53 AM EDT
jacog, it takes atleast three fingers on it to give it a good long distance loft ... they are nice and aerodynamic though.

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