Print food

Story: Open source 3D printers abound at Maker FaireTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

May 26, 2010
2:01 PM EDT
A 3D printer can now "print" food. Beam me up, Jim!

May 27, 2010
12:56 PM EDT
The technology can also be used to "print" replacement body parts,... Like skin grafts, bone structures, heart valves, joint cartilage, tendons maybe,.. but very possibly, whole replacement organs in the future.

"All" it takes is a fine enough extruder, a bit of the right cells, a second extruder to simultaneously build a disolvable framework the cells can use as a shaping and supporting structure (but eventually be eaten away as the cells grow together), & a way to provide nutrients, and extract waste while the thing is growing together, ... Of course, I am making it sound easier than it is,...

May 27, 2010
1:30 PM EDT
But I have no doubt someone with the necessary M4D 5K1LL5 will come along and say, "I can do that!"

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