Theora vs. VP8 (or VP3 vs. VP8)

Story: WebM Poised to Bring Open Video to the MassesTotal Replies: 0
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May 24, 2010
5:29 AM EDT
Quoting:The first question some might have is why Theora wasn’t chosen instead of yet another format. WebM does harness Vorbis for audio, but video is VP8 — a high quality video codec that’s available under a BSDish license. VP8 is considered higher quality than Theora, closer in quality to the H.264 codec that’s been backed by Apple and others for HTML5 video.
Let's not forget that On2 developed VP8 and Theora (as VP3), once they liberated VP3 they also stopped developing it, and it was left to the community. VP8 is simply the newer codec from the same company, so of course it's of higher quality. I think that's why nobody is really against it.

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