Glyn Moody gets it.

Story: Are Trade Secrets and Trademarks the Future?Total Replies: 1
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May 21, 2010
5:36 PM EDT
Eliminating copyright/patent pushes the profits back from reproduction, the RIAA and MPAA for example, to the content creators who have the unalienable advantage of being "first to market".

Here's a discussion on that:

May 21, 2010
8:48 PM EDT
Yes, he does. Here's another pertinent section:

Quoting:Indeed, what is striking about so many patents today is that they reveal precisely *nothing*: they are either obvious, in which case they don't tell us anything we didn't already know, or else they are make such vague and general claims (even though patents aren't supposed to work like that) as to be useless for practical purposes.

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