ok, but what about when notifications come?

Story: Move Window Buttons in LucidTotal Replies: 4
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May 14, 2010
3:17 PM EDT
The right side is eventually going to be populated with "windicators." Then what do you do if you don't like left-side window buttons? This looks like a fork of established window design. Will windicators will be movable, and why not put them on the left side to start with instead of rearranging everything, and leaving a wide trail of broken everythings that depend on right-side buttons?

For me left-side window buttons make no sense, they are not ergonomic and not efficient. Vertical scroll bars are on the right, and I'm right-handed, so right-side controls means less cursor travel. Time will tell if this is a cool idea or just another lunatic stab at thinking different, I guess. As long as it remains completely user-customizable I can deal with it. When I want someone who knows better than me what I want I'll buy Apple.

May 14, 2010
5:09 PM EDT
Quoting:Vertical scroll bars are on the right, and I'm right-handed, so right-side controls means less cursor travel

I have one of these new-fangled fancy scollwheels on my mouse. Since I don't need to be on the right anymore for the scrollbar, I;m always on the left. That's where the menus are. And yes, I too am right-handed.

Makes you wonder though. What if ubuntu put the scrollbars on the left as well?

May 14, 2010
9:18 PM EDT
How about someone write a software that would mirror the entire desktop, but leaving the texts reading left to right. Then have two modes for the users to choose from, left and right-handed.

Also there's linux mint which is mostly identical to ubuntu.

May 14, 2010
9:54 PM EDT
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Fitts's law does not change for movement to the left or right.


Whether you're left-handed or right-handed; whether you're reading Roman or Semitic text; whether the window controls and the scrollbars are on the left side, or on the right side; it's still a function of distance, target size, and pointer speed.

There is no inherent benefit to putting window controls and scrollbars on the right, for right-handed people. The benefit to be had, would come from putting them near one another, no matter which side.

May 15, 2010
2:15 AM EDT
tmx other way around, its ubuntu with a few odds and ends tossed in. It's a simple logic process, if the majority of the packages come from ubuntu repositories, it's ubuntu.

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