Misinformed opinions are like ...

Story: Keep Moving. No Unix Here.Total Replies: 9
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May 06, 2010
11:51 AM EDT
... [ holes ] -- everyone has one.


Apache still out-powers IIS by a factor of over 2:1 -- this guy's friend is likely in a business where there is a lot of Windows infrastructure, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world is by any means that way.

Speaking as a Linux professional who is extremely busy these days ;)


May 06, 2010
12:43 PM EDT
Paul, Paul, Paul ...

You sad little misinformed man.

We have long passed the time where the need for sopranos led to the use of Unix, and I, for one, am happy to see that barbaric practice ended.

May 06, 2010
4:22 PM EDT
I've seen but a single Unix installation in a financial institution and that was on a replacement project where they got a custom flavor of Linux developed and installed and moved to PostgreSQL for a database structure.

May 06, 2010
5:55 PM EDT
I managed to work at a financial institution last year with more than 700 Unix servers, so it's all in what you see, not in what there is.

May 06, 2010
6:07 PM EDT
Aha. Yet another reason to condemn sexism-- making unix instead of using girl singers. I tell you, humans is downright worthless at times. Worthless, I say.

May 06, 2010
6:22 PM EDT
Enjoy your shrimp cocktails, folks!

May 07, 2010
4:36 AM EDT
Unix is less used in business these days, easy. The United States Postal Service recently (or was it a year or two ago?) switched from Unix to GNU/Linux, and as you should know "GNU's Not Unix". While the biggest businesses use GNU/Linux -- i.e. Google, Yahoo!, NASA, IBM, etc. -- not all businesses have ditched Unix, just as some businesses use Windows as well, Unix is just less used, that's all.

May 07, 2010
5:29 AM EDT
GNU's not Linux either.

I believe that for purposes of this discussion, Unix and GNU/Mozilla/Openoffice/Apache/Samba/Gnome/KDE/Gimp/Oracle/IBM/Linux are lumped together.

May 07, 2010
5:53 AM EDT
Actually "Linux" is mostly GNU, if you are implying Linux is an operating system, if not then that's true. But no server can run on just a kernel.

And for the sake of uncertainty, this "friend" could have been talking strictly Unix, in which case the statement of Unix being less used is correct, and quite obvious.

May 07, 2010
9:59 AM EDT
> I tell you, humans is downright worthless at times. Worthless, I say.

Nonsense, TC (hey, have you considered suing Scion about using your name without permission?). You can always get something for them in the various slave shops around the world (yes, they still exist).

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