a sheltered life

Story: Stop Fighting AppleTotal Replies: 3
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May 01, 2010
10:09 PM EDT
You should expand your reading a bit, Mr. Eleven is Louder (which is my favorite blog title ever). The current binge of Apple criticism has nothing to do with Apple's FOSS code contributions.

May 02, 2010
4:19 AM EDT
Quite so. The question is why Apple wants to control whether I look at cartoons of political figures, or ladies in swimsuits, or why it cares which development tools were used to produce apps for the apparatus I bought.

Its like I go to the optician for my glasses, and I find in the case when I get them home, a EULA. The EULA explains at some length that I have one and only one license for this copyrighted prescription and that I agree to only use the glasses for looking at English Language PG rated content, which I agree only to buy at the store this optician operates.

Oh, and I seem to have agreed not to use these glasses to read any books from anywhere while having a bath.


May 02, 2010
7:33 AM EDT
> The question is why Apple wants to control...

Actually the most recent criticisms are as to whether Apple thinks it's above the law or not.

May 02, 2010
12:09 PM EDT
Apple has always been half-half concerning F/OSS. Many people who work there are all for F/OSS, but management is "closed".

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