Author overlooks the future generation

Story: Thoughts on Mainstream Linux AcceptanceTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 18, 2010
7:13 AM EDT
While I agree with the assesment in the article, I feel it focusses too much on the older generation of users. The ones who had to go to brick and mortar stores to get their computer fix. While they are the largest group of users today, they are the past and not the future of computing.

It doesn't take into account the current iPod/iPhone generation. The youngsters who are used to getting their content and programs from online App and Music stores. These users won't have any difficulty with grasping the concept of distribution repositories. My guess: they will even expect and prefer it.

We could expend a lot of effort to get ISV's to fill brick and mortar stores the old fashioned way with boxed "Linux Software". We could also opt to forget about the current generation and let the expectation of a cardboard box with outdated software in it fade away with them. The younger generation is going to take the crown one day anyway and they are used to low cost, online delivered content and software.

It might sound harsh, but the incumbent user base have made it amply clear in the past two decades they don't want to move off of Windows. Even if they do, they prefer the next proprietary trap called Apple. They seem to be fine where there are, despite all the moaning about Windows.

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