A repost of the same NON Linux/Free/Open software article?

Story: Bordeaux 2.0.0 Beta 2 for Mac ReleasedTotal Replies: 30
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Mar 08, 2010
6:58 AM EDT
This was a cr@p post in the first place. This is all this Tom Wickline post about is Bordeaux Technology Group. What is it a wine front end for dummies? IDK but sure seem that he is trying real hard to make money with this "The Bordeaux Group announces new affiliate program" that he posted about a ways back.

Mar 08, 2010
8:28 AM EDT
Quoting:but sure seem that he is trying real hard to make money...

Do you have an objection to people making money?

Mar 08, 2010
8:37 AM EDT
Yeah I have a problem with people making money you idiot, when they come here and spam that garbage that has nothing to do with foss. Should I start posting pornhub links to make some money from there "affiliate program"? Would you have a problem with that?

Mar 08, 2010
8:43 AM EDT
Yikes dude, I disagree with tracyanne more frequently than I care to mention, but surely there's a more creative and/or reasonable way of doing it than writing "you idiot" - ?

And do you also have issues with Codeweavers for selling Crossover too?


Mar 08, 2010
9:24 AM EDT
I'm not particularly comfortable with the aggressiveness of scan2006's post, but I'm also asking myself the question what this poor mans Crossover on Mac has to do with FOSS. Despite the Open Source underpinnings, OS X is the epitome of closed source software. Bordeaux itself seems to be a closed source package and poring over the website it isn't clear the BTG is contributing actively back to the FOSS projects they very clearly use underneath their homegrown UI. They do have a download section with their changes, which is decent (but minimal).

When it comes to supporting commercial efforts, I'd rather go with CodeWeavers should the need arise. CodeWeavers has an active relationship with Wine, so buying Crossover also puts a chunk back towards Wine. However nice Bordeaux may be, I don't glean from the BTG site that they contribute much.

Mar 08, 2010
9:27 AM EDT
Nope. But I rather use native solutions. I personally won't use it cause it supports the vendors from not having to port their software over natively to Linux.

But the point of LX'er "Linux News The world is talking about GNU/Linux and Free/Open Source Software" and that article isn't

Mar 08, 2010
11:28 AM EDT
You would get better mileage had you been polite to start with instead of going on the attack upon the editors here. Its not a stretch to see why this got through though, because typically Tom's posts are OSS related. Too late for you to be polite now though.

Mar 08, 2010
11:45 AM EDT
scan2006 is now on my "naughty list" right beside P[redacted] P[redacted] and Ken Hess.

Just too bad I'm not Santa Claus.

Mar 08, 2010
1:42 PM EDT
I've already deleted one of scan2006's threads because of his language..

Mar 08, 2010
1:59 PM EDT
If this a double post please point me to the other one on the newswire because I cannot find it. I have posted stuff from Tom for some time and I have never had an issue with it. There are all kinds of projects that are out to make a dime or two..this project is no different and not deserving of any ire on my or the LXer audience's part either.


Mar 08, 2010
2:23 PM EDT
I say leave the dupe up (if it exists), to spite scan2006.

But that's just me.

Mar 08, 2010
2:59 PM EDT
LOL gus3 (forget the other 2?) hurt me... the post you deleted was from his original post: http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/30411/

LXer/Mac news The world is talking about GNU/Linux and Free/Open Source Software & Steve Jobs products

Mar 08, 2010
5:54 PM EDT

Quoting:Should I start posting pornhub links to make some money from there "affiliate program"? Would you have a problem with that?

Me, personally.... no.

Somehow though, I think that would not meet the requirements of what may be posted on this site.

On the other hand be it Codeweavers or Bordeaux, or any other WINE helper, I'm quite OK with people posting about it, even if it isn't directly Linux related. Personally I'm quite chuffed that someone is making money from FOSS.

Other editors milage on the subject may differ.

Mar 08, 2010
5:56 PM EDT
"Chuffed"? What does it mean, this "chuffed"?

Mar 08, 2010
5:58 PM EDT
It's Pommie slang, meaning Pleased

Mar 08, 2010
6:17 PM EDT
@ tracyanne Once again what is foss about Mac or Bordeaux in this story? So this story was nothing but social spam which seems to be a growing trend.


Mar 08, 2010
7:08 PM EDT
If you watch Thomas and Friends, you'll hear "chuffing" all the time. My son starting using the word and I couldn't figure out what it meant.

Mar 08, 2010
7:16 PM EDT
@scan2006 . WINE is FOSS, Bordeaux, like CodeWeavers, is a proprietary WINE helper application (both projects contribute back to WINE), I'm quite happy for Bordeaux to make money by selling Bordeaux to Mac users, it helps WINE, a FOSS project.

@gus3 @bigg

No bites on Pommie?

Mar 08, 2010
8:05 PM EDT

"Pommie" is slang for "Pomeranian."

Mar 08, 2010
8:13 PM EDT
Actually it's Stryne for English, as in person from England.

Mar 08, 2010
8:18 PM EDT
Rats, no ejected beverages...

Mar 08, 2010
8:24 PM EDT
I was too lazy to roll out Wine on my own. Bordeaux was acceptably cheap and performs as promised, so I'm a happy customer.

Mar 08, 2010
8:38 PM EDT
> "Pommie" is slang for "Pomeranian."

Actually, I'm fairly certain I've heard it used that way. Of course, it may have been an English Pomeranian for all I know.

Mar 08, 2010
9:55 PM EDT
And Stryne is how real Strynes say Australia

Mar 08, 2010
9:57 PM EDT
@Steven, I'm testing the latest version of Codeweavers. it claims to be able to install IE8 and Safari, but neither worked for me after I installed them.

Mar 08, 2010
10:53 PM EDT
Quoting:it claims to be able to install IE8 and Safari, but neither worked for me after I installed them.
So Codeweavers works just like Windows! *eg*

Mar 08, 2010
11:05 PM EDT
I want to play! I'm so chuffed I could hug a chook. Put a shrimp on the barbie.

Mar 09, 2010
3:28 AM EDT
Quoting:And Stryne is how real Strynes say Australia

Oh... I thought it was short for Strychnine.

Mar 09, 2010
8:17 AM EDT
We have sent all of our Wine changes back to WineHQ for inclusion.

Also see : http://www.bordeauxgroup.com/free-software

I'm not getting in the middle of a flame war. :)

So this is my one and only post to this thread.

Cheers, Tom

Mar 09, 2010
12:40 PM EDT
Quoting:@Steven, I'm testing the latest version of Codeweavers. it claims to be able to install IE8 and Safari, but neither worked for me after I installed them.

Bordeaux promised IE7, and that worked. I'm also using older Wine — the version in the Debian Lenny repos, so I probably can't run as many things as later builds allow for.

If I had a copy of MS Office for Windows (and I don't), I'd test it.

Safari in Windows is just too much punishment. I installed it on an XP box for cross-browser testing, but it's just so, so bad. Runs as well as other OS X ports to Windows (iTunes, Quicktime), meaning very poorly.

Mar 09, 2010
5:06 PM EDT
MSOffice 2007 works fine under WINE, at least Word and Excel, and Outlook, but I didn't install MSO using CodeWeavers, I used PlayOnLinux, for my test. I've unistalled it now, but integration was quite good, and I had the option of opening .doc and .docx with either OO.o or MSWord.

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