abbreviation h*ll

Story: An Explosive Battle Over Nouveau Kernel DRMTotal Replies: 14
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Mar 05, 2010
6:16 PM EDT
I wish Phoronix would spell out "DRM", because in this context it doesn't mean Digital Rights Mismanagement. It means something else I forget what.

Mar 05, 2010
6:25 PM EDT
Direct Rendering Manager

I agree, I read DRM and immediately see Digital Restrictions Management

Mar 06, 2010
6:36 AM EDT
Yep, me too. The thing is, I think Direct Rendering Manager predates the other DRM.

"Bad money drives out the good", you know.

Mar 06, 2010
3:20 PM EDT
> "Bad money drives out the good", you know.

Indeed, but only in an environment of legal tender laws.

Without those laws, good money drives out bad the same way cash drives out bad checks.

Mar 06, 2010
4:43 PM EDT
Bob, Stop It!
Quoting: [...] [C]ash drives out bad {C]hecks.
Your crossing the TOS line again and some Central Europeans will be incensed.

Just a friendly warning,


Mar 06, 2010
5:00 PM EDT
> Your crossing the TOS line again...

Who, me? Just replying to something someone else already brought up.

Mar 06, 2010
6:00 PM EDT
Bob. If I stuck my hand in the fire would you put your head in as well?

Mar 06, 2010
6:26 PM EDT
Is that an offer?

Mar 06, 2010
8:06 PM EDT
Why blame Phoronix if the world outside Xorg confuses you with other meanings for Xorg-abbreviations?

Mar 06, 2010
8:23 PM EDT
What I did not say is "The Czech is in the male", which in deed would be a violation of several international treaties.

Mar 06, 2010
9:00 PM EDT
You just made me spurt my sip of soda all over myself Bob..

Mar 06, 2010
11:09 PM EDT
but since you have done it, you can honestly say your an exspurt now Scott.

Mar 06, 2010
11:20 PM EDT
Or a Unixpurt/Linuxpurt.

Mar 07, 2010
9:56 AM EDT
Another joke I didn't get. I hate Sundays!

Mar 07, 2010
11:11 AM EDT
> "The Czech is in the male"

Both my compliments and all is forgiven.


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