Don't bother

Story: My Interview with Devil Mountain's Craig BarthTotal Replies: 19
Author Content

Feb 24, 2010
8:51 AM EDT
I did it again: gave clicks to DaniWeb and Ken Hess. I feel so ashamed.

My advice is to just not bother with this article. It's just not that good.

Feb 24, 2010
11:04 AM EDT
Hey phsolide psst,

You know that Ken Hess is a Kennedy underling, don't you? I kid you not.

Unequivocal proof supplied at 8 in link in connected story*.

Trust me,

YBT * It will be clickers heaven, so please check the advertisements when you visit. For those on Windows have patience while the malware loads.

Feb 24, 2010
1:18 PM EDT
> I feel so ashamed.

As well you should. :)

Just follow the cardinal rule: Ken Hess = Do not read.

Feb 24, 2010
9:34 PM EDT
Quoting:Just follow the cardinal rule: Ken Hess = Do not read.
The only problem with that is the RSS feed doesn't indicate author... Though I have stopped clicking on the feed for most articles, don't know if that is causation, or just correlation.

Feb 24, 2010
11:21 PM EDT
> ...the RSS feed doesn't indicate author...

So just keep and LXer tab open on your browser at all times. :)

Feb 26, 2010
2:16 PM EDT
TxtEdMacs, Ken Hess, Craig Barth, devnet & helios: By now all of you should pretty much know all of these are the same and don't exist.

Greetz, PP

Feb 26, 2010
5:21 PM EDT

[SERIOUS] I am offended on many levels. Have you forgotten my rule?

                                 Ken Hess ==[=] do not read!

Moreover, recently others have had the termidity to plagiarize, incorrectly I might add. Furthermore, what was used was a mere single equals sign that means assignment, not equality. Finally, when written that way it insults the readers ordering them around as fools. In most scripting languages two equals signs implies equality, but some require three to have an exact match. All the other persons named are probably real, but helios is certainly real and does good works in many respects those words imply. So be careful of your accusations, because they verify what you implied in another forum here on LXer, which jeopardized your well being.[/SERIOUS]

In my case, rest assured I am a robot that is deciding the fate of humanity

So there,


Feb 26, 2010
5:43 PM EDT

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I'm real.

Feb 26, 2010
6:49 PM EDT
well so far I've resisted (not difficult at all) the temptation to read Mr Hess's words, the last time I read his drivvel, it was one time too many.

Feb 26, 2010
8:35 PM EDT

Sure that really sounds real. Also you might have failed to note you were not listed. Feeling ill at ease that your scam may have been breached. I wonder if I Googled well enough to find where you were fingered as a robot? I will go look and if I remember correctly we might shut down your bot talk down..

As always,

Your Buddy Txt.* [aka YBT]

* For the newbies.

Feb 27, 2010
11:57 AM EDT
Txt: You didn't get the "PP" LXer in-joke in the last line did you? Ken and Devnet surely would.

Feb 27, 2010
12:19 PM EDT

You are right I have no idea what "PP" meant, which implies I am an outsider. As a result I mounted a mock attack shouting serious. So either email me directly and enlighten me or post it here so I and the hoi polloi of LXer can understand the deeper meaning. Or not ... then I will attack all without mercy demanding payment in non-deflatable Euros to shut me up.

Until then, your resident shill and Astroturfer par excellence.



Feb 27, 2010
4:48 PM EDT
> You didn't get the "PP" LXer in-joke in the last line did you?

I got it, Hans. I'm sure several others did too.

Feb 27, 2010
8:32 PM EDT
Now I understand the necessity for the short hand, though I must admit I missed the fireworks on the first go around, the second pass was bad enough.

So like Harry Potter, there are names that must never be uttered or written clearly to avoid the faux wrath of the gods.

Hans, next time it will REAL not mock rage.


Feb 28, 2010
4:09 PM EDT
You guys are so funny. Craig Barth, if you didn't know, doesn't exist. It is meant as humor. The guy over at ZDNet (Ed Bott) who sprang the original story, loved my post. My posts are often meant to be thought-provoking, humorous or simply provoking. Don't get your panties in a wad over it. Just enjoy and realize that much is to be read tongue in cheek.

Feb 28, 2010
5:27 PM EDT
Ken, whatever your intentions, they are not worth the bother. Perhaps you should think about another line of work.

Feb 28, 2010
10:18 PM EDT

If you want to read the full story, you have to refresh because PenguinPete blocked all referrals from LXer. Somewhere in the fine discussions that arose you can find Pitr saying Devnet and Helios are one, but I cannot find it anymore.

khess: Hey, wait a minute, so no you're writing like you're Craig Barth too? So actually Mr. Randall, Mr. Barth and Mr. Hess are one and the same writer? Indeed, that's funny!

Mar 01, 2010
9:59 AM EDT

Now you have done it ... the fire and brimstone that befalls upon this innocent site is due only to your ill chosen words. How Could You?

Run, run for your lives PP is on the waaaaaaaayyyy ...

[pant, pant, slosh smosh trosh ... gone]

Mar 01, 2010
2:11 PM EDT
oh he shall proclaim his wroth, the fount of PP hath decried that none of those who march in the path with LXer shall ever use his name in vain.

(or at all for that matter)

beware beware, we have seen the inestimable and forthright YBT flee. How many others will fall as he to the depredations of the fount?

*oops, scuse me, time to flush*

Mar 01, 2010
3:32 PM EDT

Your water system, unitary or fleet* style? Just wondering**.


* Ships for conservation purposes use a twin stream for water, brown previously used for non-critical tasks e.g. laundry, flushing but NOT drinking or dish washing.

** I would like to come out of this clean, even if I am flushed.

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