
Story: Google gets go-ahead to buy, sell energyTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Feb 21, 2010
1:48 PM EDT
You'll use your Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Mail, etc. on your Google Internet while watching your Google TV and talking to your friend via Google Cell Service all powered by Google Energy and payed for with your Google Mastercard issued by Google Bank which you access via Google Chrome on Google ChromOS. All monitored and filtered by Google Security to keep you safe from phishers, crackers, terrorists, and neighbors.

Are we scared yet?


Feb 21, 2010
1:53 PM EDT
10^100 services huh?

Feb 21, 2010
3:34 PM EDT
I got into a discussion recently with someone who was talking about how horrible the Earth would be with mega-corporations running everything.

Clearly someone who read the original book _Rollerball_.

I pointed out that the weight of bureaucracy makes the size of a company self-limiting. The biggest companies diversify, making smaller subsidiaries in order for each to do "one thing well", rather than trying to do "everything badly".

Google is still young. Their bureaucracy hasn't had a chance to really accumulate yet, and it may take a while so long as "men of vision" are in charge.

But it will happen, and they will go the way of ITT unless...{self-censored off-topic}

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