Insincere and sarcastic

Story: Retraction: Five *nix Myths BustedTotal Replies: 12
Author Content

Jan 28, 2010
8:58 PM EDT
Save yourself the trouble of reading this follow-up article. It's just Ken sarcastically agreeing with those who criticized his earlier, laughable article.

Jan 28, 2010
9:08 PM EDT
he's a Richard.

Jan 28, 2010
9:14 PM EDT
Gosh, some people are never satisfied. They criticize me when they don't agree with me and then when I agree with them, I'm still criticized. Interesting. Yeah, I'm the Richard.

Jan 28, 2010
9:24 PM EDT
well ken, I didnt find anything snarky at all. I did find one error, but its a very common error. su is switch user, if left unspecified it defaults to super user.

Jan 28, 2010
9:56 PM EDT
Mostly ken you write excrement. Every time I bother to read the sh1t3 you write I wish I hadn't bothered, this current article is an exceptional example. It's not a matter of whether you agree with me, Aunt Maud or the goat in our backyard, it's the fact that it's not worth the effort to click the link. As it happens I read both of these articles, some of what you said was wrong in the first, mostly you failed to research, which is a pattern that runs through everything of yours that I've read. This follow up was simply ridiculous, yes you are a Richard, you should not have bothered with this silly piece.

Jan 28, 2010
10:24 PM EDT
>he's a Richard.

Wonder if he knows my friend Enis.

Jan 28, 2010
10:41 PM EDT
is that Peter Enis?

Jan 29, 2010
12:04 AM EDT

Jan 29, 2010
12:12 AM EDT
azer --

What most people don't was that the old Johnny Cash song was actually "A boy named Su", about a troubled guy trying to get at the root of his problems.

Jan 29, 2010
2:31 AM EDT
/me holds nose and runs from the room

Jan 29, 2010
3:25 AM EDT
Ken (is that really you, or did someone else login with the "khess" name as a joke?), your writing always gives me the impression that you're really desperate for readers -- So desperate that you're willing to use intentionally controversial or misleading titles, and make all kinds of unsupported and wrong statements, just to get people to read your stuff.

I also get the impression that the reason that your Linux coat doesn't fit very well is because you're trying to wear it over your Windows parka.

I'm tired of feeling like a fool for letting you trick me into reading your stuff. So, from now on -- and for as long as you keep choosing to trade your credibility for a few extra mouse clicks -- I'm going to ignore your writing.

Jan 29, 2010
8:48 AM EDT
So All Should Be Aware:

I knight you Sir ComputerBob, perhaps a bit late to the table. So for this round, what are you ordering from the deli menu? The tab is on you this time*.


* The penalty for a late arrival.

Jan 29, 2010
11:14 AM EDT
I'm trying to remember any Ken Hess "article" that didn't sound like a half-informed teenager so impressed with his own overwhelming knowledge that he has to tell everyone else how right he is.

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