more random irrelevant

Story: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation NonexistentTotal Replies: 5
Author Content

Jan 23, 2010
3:47 AM EDT
Quoting a topic of a guy saying random things without offering any insight or alternatives. There is a good discussion about windows management at osnews, there are some recommendations and ideas from the user comments there: I particularly enjoy the comment by this user:

At least pop into and check around a bit. Otherwise if the guy is too lazy to do his own research to configure his desktop he can switch to OSX or Windows 7 and admire the graphic (I'm not against that either).

However, I can't delve too deep into this myself as I don't give a hoot for graphic effects. For me its more important to progress through improvements in productivity than flashy graphics. I have to admit there is are room for improvements, the integration of AeroSnap feature and Expose without requiring Compiz and installing extra packages would be nice, though not very likely to happen.

Jan 23, 2010
9:59 AM EDT

Your new here; it's obvious because you have skipped the cardinal rule to skip anything written by Ken Hess.

Quoting: [...] [this ] guy is too lazy to do his own research to configure his desktop [...]
Well you got that right, so you are on the right path. Go forward and sin no more, i.e. skip everything Ken Hess.

YBT (a.k.a. Your Buddy Txt.)

Jan 23, 2010
1:12 PM EDT
> it's obvious because you have skipped the cardinal rule to skip anything written by Ken Hess.

Now, txt, we all know it's just that you don't like the competition. :)

But yeah, Ken Hess = Do not read.

Jan 23, 2010
1:28 PM EDT
I still beg to differ, the problem is not KH but DaniWeb. KH writes decent articles, but sadly not on DaniWeb.

(and no, I don't receive a check for saying this, I'm serious here.)

Jan 23, 2010
2:27 PM EDT
Well hk,

I get a check and I still will NOT recommend his writing. So who are you trying to kid?

You really showed me up with your screed that out shown my best efforts. Now are you trying you rob me of my last shred of non-credibility. How terrible of you to attack me in so many ways. There is no defense against a multitasking kidder. [Where is my surrender flag ... it's here somewhere. I will be back when I find it. I can no longer take this abuse by verbal slings and arrows I have endured from all sides.]

As always,


Jan 23, 2010
3:28 PM EDT
Txt: No harm intended, but I'm practicing for when I'm unemployed again. Because I might just start supporting Vole fulltime. I hope we can coexist in this empire.

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