
Story: Microsoft to Mobile Customers: Choice is a Bad Thing (and Linux will Lose)Total Replies: 2
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Jan 21, 2010
1:18 PM EDT
While I expect that the "17 variants" of Linux on mobile phones may eventually consolidate down to 3 or 4 (counting Android and Moblin), I think that over time it is likely that Linux and iPhone will eventually control the vast majority of handsets. I expect Blackberry will eventually go over to a Linux base and that most of the other proprietary OSes will die out. Microsoft will continue to pour resources into Windows mobile to keep it out there, but it will struggle to maintain its current meager market share or even lose more ground. If it weren't for Microsoft spending a lot of $$$ advertising Windows phones, I think it would be dead already.

Jan 21, 2010
4:19 PM EDT
"Choice is a bad thing." I'm sure Hugo and Mahmoud would agree.

Yes, I know there are less egregious examples. It's just a quick way to make the point.

Jan 21, 2010
6:03 PM EDT
Quoting:I think that over time it is likely that Linux and iPhone will eventually control the vast majority of handsets.

I'm not too sure. People are pouring a lot of money in the new open source Symbian. That's a contender too.

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