but it's not a problem!

Story: BerliOS open source project portal falls victim to attackTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jan 14, 2010
12:11 AM EDT
This sounds weird, it says:

Quoting: The operators say that so far, apart from the traces of the intrusion, they have not found any sign of manipulated files. In a brief reply Jörg Schilling, BerliOS employee and developer of the cdrecord open source software said "Therefore, I currently don't see a reason to issue a warning".


Jan 14, 2010
12:33 PM EDT
Here is a screenshot of the defacement: http://mako.cc/copyrighteous/20070919-00

And great comments on LWN: http://lwn.net/Articles/369633/

Jan 14, 2010
1:35 PM EDT
tc, I think you got your links scrambled. Here's a screenshot of the defacement posted on LWN: http://i.imgur.com/IHDzA.png

As for the "since 2005" claim, I give it no credence. On an unhardened system, files' timestamps are pointless, vis-a-vis "touch".

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