Well bully for them.

Story: Microsoft Puts Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool under GPL Total Replies: 7
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Dec 12, 2009
1:26 PM EDT
Not that they had much choice, really, but it's still nice when the 800lb gorilla doesn't break absolutely everything in the china shop.

Dec 12, 2009
1:32 PM EDT
The delay was long enough, I can't help but wonder if the code published is the code that went into it in the first place. They could have, and should have, published it immediately.

Dec 12, 2009
1:37 PM EDT
Actually I wonder if they pursued the path of regaining permission from the author(s).

Dec 12, 2009
2:33 PM EDT
That wasn't M$'s official line. They said they needed to clean up the code and complete the i18n.

I didn't buy it then, either.

Dec 12, 2009
4:56 PM EDT
I bet that they made some sort of deal with the original developers of the GPL code too. They would have to have done that. The reasoning goes like this:

The moment MS violated the GPL by releasing the original WUDT without source they lost the right to use the GPL code. The only one who can reinstate that permission is the copyright holder. So, Microsoft would not have been able to release this new version without the GPL code copyright holders consent. They must have made some deal.

This code was releaed under GPLv2. There's no 60 day grace period in GPLv2 as there is in GPLv3.

Dec 12, 2009
6:59 PM EDT
Then there are those of us who suspect darker deeds, such as sanitizing it to remove snarky dev comments, and removing other stolen code.

At least this article is free of the idiotic cheerleading that accompanied the previous announcements of MS' intent to honor the code license. As Archie Bunker used to say, big woopty doo.

Dec 13, 2009
5:08 PM EDT
TC: Perhaps. But they don't have to release that version because of th deal made with the GPL code developers.

Dec 14, 2009
1:56 PM EDT
Is this a positive development? Probably. Do I trust Microsoft at all? Absolutely not.

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