All this talk of products...

Story: Repositioning the KDE BrandTotal Replies: 23
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Nov 25, 2009
10:36 AM EDT
seems to miss the reality boat.

Products are generally provided to customers with some attention to their needs. IE, we will build this car because we think they will like it enough to buy it.

As of KDE 4, the KDE philosophy seems to be that we will build this software because we like it enough to write it, then berate as whiners all of those who get hung up on features that are missing, things that don't work, and things that make no d@mned sense at all.

Nov 25, 2009
1:41 PM EDT
Actually, I've found KDE 4.3.x to be quite good. I know I'm not alone in that.

I read the announcement yesterday and I found it to be an endlessly long piece of marketing drivel.

Nov 25, 2009
1:43 PM EDT
It could be worse. It could have been a Free Credit Report commercial.

If they start using words like 'cadence, synergy, global paradigm solutions' then they're definitely doomed.

Nov 25, 2009
1:46 PM EDT
I hate 'cadence'. It has been ruined for me. It used to be a perfectly nice word. Like in marching band it meant tempo, the drummers set the cadence. It has nice connotation for reading aloud, like 'she read 'A Child's Christmas in Wales' with the perfect lilting cadence.' Now it means 'another word we have no idea what it means but the PHBs love it.'

Nov 25, 2009
2:12 PM EDT
Quoting:I hate 'cadence'. It has been ruined for me. It used to be a perfectly nice word

Come live here, I never heard it before, except 10 years back during my organ class (why the # does business use chord progressions?) The other ones like win-win, synergy, unique selling points, global bloat etc. are pretty known.

Nov 25, 2009
2:26 PM EDT
"Cadence and Cascade" was a song by King Crimson.

Seriously, I have no idea what it means in market-speak. In general I hate market-speak but I refuse to let it ruin good musical terminology.

Nov 25, 2009
2:32 PM EDT
Quoting: Products are generally provided to customers with some attention to their needs.

And then there's the fun fine world of high tech....

Nov 25, 2009
2:41 PM EDT
Oh, I'm sure the high tech marketoids who come up with these things are thinking about customers. The customers need these things. They just don't know it. If the customer isn't convinced of this need it's up to the helpful marketoid to convince him or her. If the customer can't be convinced or likes something else then clearly this is a deficient customer because the marketoid is always right.

Nov 25, 2009
4:08 PM EDT
Quoting:Quoted: I hate 'cadence'. It has been ruined for me. It used to be a perfectly nice word

Come live here, I never heard it before

In my country "candence" ("kadencja", actually) refers mainly to a term of politician in some office (e.g. president). So yeah, we hear it a lot.

Nov 25, 2009
4:33 PM EDT
I use Cascade. Good for the dishes.

Nov 25, 2009
4:41 PM EDT
did someone ask about Candice, she's over at the Pharmacy.

Nov 25, 2009
5:16 PM EDT
TA, I've heard that Candice is actually in Canada working with Canonical on some eye-candy.

Nov 25, 2009
5:34 PM EDT
mmmmm candy.

Nov 26, 2009
1:57 AM EDT
Back to the topic, Caitlyn, KDE 4.3.3 is quite nice, but why did they have to break functionality. There are missing KIO slaves. They broke the .directory colors in favor of folder images (nice, but why don't the colors work anymore?). You can't change the icon of the widget that displays a folder on the menubar. The launcher applet only shows the most recent apps, not ones that you can configure.

To be honest, switching to KDE 4 has been like switching to Office 2007. It looks spiffy, and most of the functionality is there, but you spend more time fighting the interface than getting work done.

Nov 26, 2009
2:22 AM EDT
The thing I'm fighting with KDE 4.3.1 (opensuse) is it seems to have adopted Gnome's porthole mentality-- it only shows you a few little tiny config options at a time, and you have to dig and dig and click and click to find more. It's like being allowed to view a shelf of books one or two at a time. One example: unless I missed it, there is no 'show all open apps' button for the desktop pager. I set my panel to show only apps on the current desktop, if I wanted all of them cluttering the panel I'd use a single desktop system like mac or windoze. KDE 3.5 had a nice button to click right next to the pager to see all open apps on all desktops, and click on whatever to go directly to it. Short sweet and fast.

But not 4.3. Hovering the cursor shows the contents of each desktop-- one at a time, and there is a bit of lag. Yay lag.

The cashews baffle me-- what's the point? The one for the panel shows six options, including a 'more options' button. All of them could easily fit into a single window, the 'more options' button is a useless extra click. Right-click on the desktop gets the same menu. 'Configure plasma' is all of two checkboxes.

I keep seeing gnome-isms everywhere until I find the magic config that reveals more functions. Like Dolphin looks like Nautilus (nooooo!), and ctrl+l opens a 'editable location bar' just like Nautilus.

It's a lot of changes and I'll be writing some howtos as I figure it out. Hopefully all of the glorious functionality of KDE is still there. Somewhere :) If that is the case then i forgive the silly marketingstuff.


Nov 26, 2009
4:21 AM EDT
iz our business 2 assertively netwerk parallel, multimezdia-based and progressive services in parallel wif our clients' needzs 2 completly and interactively negotiate paradigzm-shifts and emezrgin intellectual capital dat provide key differentiatorz between us and our competitors.

o rly?


Our vision is 2 reliably, assertively and continually facilitate emezrgin n innovative intellectual capital dat we may improov our long-term ability 2 enthusiastically and reliably foster emezrging, quality and unique serviceseses dat provide key differentiatorsumz between us and our competitorz, teh goggies.



We assertively customise cuttin edge, per4mance-based and mission-critical resewurces wifout losin sight of our original goal 2 proactively, continually and interactively create interdependent, per4mance-based and mission-critical paradigzms 2 provide sewlushuns 4 our partners.

teh lolz!

(random mission statement generator fed into a lolcat speech translator - silly marketingstuff)


Nov 26, 2009
4:35 AM EDT
@jacog: Brilliant!

Nov 26, 2009
10:25 AM EDT

[serious] I resign my position as [self] designated LXer comedian, immediately. And I will Shill no more.[/serious]

Your Former Buddy Txt.

Nov 26, 2009
10:48 AM EDT
Txt -

U cant quit. Ur fired.

33t trk33 & b hap33.

Nov 27, 2009
5:06 AM EDT
Naw, gratuitous use of popular internet memes hardly counts as great satire. :)

Over to you Txt.

Nov 27, 2009
8:51 AM EDT
He's still disgusted that all the checks Microsoft sent him bounced.

Nov 27, 2009
11:29 AM EDT
>all the checks Microsoft sent him bounced.

That's what you get for opening your mail on a trampoline.

Nov 27, 2009
5:19 PM EDT

When a MS check cleared my account I didn't need any damn trampoline. The sore point is that I could have lived quite nicely had I not had to pay all those return check fees. Papered the one wall of my office so I could get some insulating value out of my losses.

Never trust MS, bank certified checks only will ever go into my account.

OK, jacog I return to my erstwhile position, not because you so graciously returned it to me, but that ingrate dino thinks he can fire me. He forgot that it was I that invited him back when one of the unmentioned* editor-in-chief ran him off the site.


* Remember by some, but by most not fondly.

Nov 27, 2009
6:48 PM EDT
Txt -

Oh sure, and now you expect gratitude. Wibbly Wobbly, Bouncy wouncy sayeth the last of the Dime Lords.

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