There is no perfect distribution

Story: OpenSUSE 11.2 the Perfect KDE DistributionTotal Replies: 20
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Oct 25, 2009
10:43 PM EDT
I have yet to see a bug free distro so none of them are perfect. On my hardware SUSE 11.2 was in no way the best or least problematic or anything of the sort. Look, I have no problems with a positive review. I have a big problem with hype and hyperbole.

Oct 26, 2009
6:50 AM EDT
I see no overt "hype" or "hyperbole" in the article. Obviously, the author didn't encounter the hardware problems you claim to have encountered. If you found SUSE 11.2 "problematic," did you report said findings as bugs? Pull the stick out already. It was a well-written, detailed personal review. And that's all.

Oct 26, 2009
11:52 AM EDT
The hype and hyperbole is in the headline. It is a fawning fan review. If you like that, fine. Resorting to insults ("pull the stick out") because you don't like my opinion won't convince me of anything or help make a point.

Oct 26, 2009
12:17 PM EDT
I agree with Caitlyn's opinion here. The whole "perfect distro" is something to drive wedges between open source/free software advocates.

Everyone is so accustomed to a single, monopoly product absolutely dominating any given market, that they're looking for something that not only doesn't exist, but shouldn't and can't exit.

It's like saying everyone should wear briefs, or eveyone should wear boxers, or everyone should wear thongs.

Oct 26, 2009
12:36 PM EDT
I doubt I could come up with a more certain way to derail a thread.

Oct 26, 2009
12:38 PM EDT
Seriously you guys, lighten up. Caitlyn, are you really championing the position that we can't claim a distro as our favorite without a lawyer-like disclaimer included in the article's title? "Free" so long as everyone does things in a way you like, eh?

@HoT: Yes, caitlyn is way too wound up on the subject, don't panic. You're right; if she had tested the distro and found problems, it would be constructive to contribute with bug reports and such. If I remember correctly, she's admonished others likewsie in the past herself. You were doing great right up until the stick comment.

@phsolide: pick a side, fan the flames, widen the gulf. :)

Of all the things we could possibly get our undies in a twist over . . . with friends like this, who needs microsoft? :)

Death before thongs!!!!

Oct 26, 2009
12:41 PM EDT
@dumper4311: I bit my tongue and held back what I was originally going to post. Of course anyone can have a favorite. No problem and I am not trying to tell anyone what to run and what not to run. People are free to run whatever they want. Don't read more into my words than what I said.

Calling something "perfect" when it can't possibly be is the best way to set up false expectations for Linux. That plays into Microsoft and their support's hands more than my saying the language should be tempered and more realistic.

Oct 26, 2009
12:48 PM EDT
> ...are you really championing the position that we can't claim a distro as our favorite without a lawyer-like disclaimer included in the article's title?

You don't recognize a difference between favorite and perfect?

Oct 26, 2009
1:14 PM EDT
@jdixon, et al: Don't be pedantic. It's obvious to anyone capable of independent thought that the article is an opinion piece. In the author's opinion (as he states) it is the "perfect KDE Distribution". I simply find it amusing that so many in this "community" are so obsessive and intolerant that they'd chose to make this otherwise insignificant title an issue.

@caitlyn: Feel free to post whatever you have to say. It's not me demonstrating a thin skin. :) I actually agree with you insofar as I think he's overstated the issue. But where the author has overstated the distro's accomplishments, you've gone out of your way to tear down the same distro, just a little bit.

Please explain to me how you're actions are any better than the author of the original piece, and how your initial comment doesn't help MS just as much as his poorly chosen title?

Or, we could all just recognize that it wasn't really that big a deal in the first place. :)

Oct 26, 2009
3:01 PM EDT
Quoting: Death before thongs!!!!

Yay, something I can agree with! Thank you!

I also agree that getting torqued over "perfect" in the headline is silly. Yes it's a bit of hyperbole. So what? It's magnitudes less hyberbolic than the same tired old phony claims our favorite purveyor of a popular but cr@p OS make with every release, and non-stop in between. It's nice to see something enthusiastic and positive.

*edit* I'm ready to start looking for a better KDE4 distro than Kubuntu, if OpenSUSE implements it better then good for them.

Oct 26, 2009
3:10 PM EDT
@caitlyn: "I bit my tongue and held back what I was originally going to post."

Really? Seriously. Over this simple opinion article? There lies the problem. I think most of us recognize that it was a "favorite distro" piece with a title not very well thought-out, but it is simply unwarranted to spew negative comments about it because you disagree with it's title. This kind of infighting and unjustified criticism of the work by others only serves to destroy any sense of a free, open community.

An opinion article can have merit and be worthy of posting even if you didn't write it.

Oct 26, 2009
3:40 PM EDT
HoTMetaL and dumper4311 like putting words in my mouth. Whoever HoTMetaL is seems to have a problem with me personally. There are lots of good opinion articles written by lots of people that are good. There are good opinion articles that offer opinions I don't agree with, too.

I didn't like this article because I don't like *any* fawning fan reviews that fail to look at both the positive and the negative (and both exist in any distro). I don't like commercials disguised as reviews. I don't like hype or hyperbole. It seems to me you two are getting far more worked up over my one paragraph comment than I ever did about the article. It seems like it's you two who have a problem with an opinion you disagree with, in this case mine, and are intolerant of anyone who sees things differently than you do.

Oh, and yes, I am really tired of the word "perfect" being thrown around with abandon by some Linux authors. If you have a problem with that, well, sorry, I'm not going to apologize for expressing my feelings honestly.

Oct 26, 2009
3:51 PM EDT
> Don't be pedantic.

I didn't think I was.

> In the author's opinion (as he states) it is the "perfect KDE Distribution".

Which is, pretty much by definition, "hype and hyperbole".

Look, if the author wants to wax bombastic about the virtues of a distribution, that's fine. Cheerleading has it's place. But it's also fine if someone points out that he's doing so.

Oct 26, 2009
4:10 PM EDT
I have a question: What is the perfect distribution for KDE desktop ?

Oct 26, 2009
4:31 PM EDT
It's probably Slackware: Super-conservative, patched forever ...

Oct 26, 2009
5:01 PM EDT
"Whoever HoTMetaL is seems to have a problem with me personally."

@caitlyn: HoTMetaL is a sysadmin working for an automotive supplier in Asheville, North Carolina. He doesn't have an issue with you personally. He has grown annoyed, however, with the persistent negativity both in your comments here, and in past comments and opinion articles you've authored. You obviously have a talent for effective writing, but I would like to see less mean-spiritedness and criticism in your work and more intelligent debate. Simply put: you pulled a 'Kanye West.'

@omlx: Hilarious. Even if you didn't intend it to be.

@Steven_Rosenberg: I agree with the Slackware suggestion!

Oct 26, 2009
5:11 PM EDT
> " . . . also fine if someone points out that he's doing so."

No argument there. Likewise, I have no problem with the author waxing bombastic (I really like that, by the way). My point is that caitlyn's overly-emotional and pretentious response was at least as damaging to the "community" as any atrocity committed by the author's choice of title. It's obvious her heels are dug in too far on this "issue" to recognize that simple fact, but I'm ok with that also, because it really isn't that big of an issue, except in her mind.

@caitlyn: "fawning fan reviews that fail to look at both the positive and the negative" ?? Did you even read his review? He actually does a reasonably good job at pointing out the things that don't work well for him yet. For a short opinion piece, I thought it came out fine, stupid title and all.

All this venom over such a simple thing, first towards the author and openSUSE, now at us? That's just not healthy. Anger management, sister. :)

Oct 26, 2009
5:19 PM EDT
I'm not angry so why would I need anger management? You two don't like my writing style, well... who is forcing you to read what I write? I can point to some very positive things I've written published oh... today, like my review of GSB 2.26.3 for DistroWatch (see: which should be on or my comments about Ken/Helios' latest article, which is nothing short of excellent.

However, while I compliment when I see something good I critique when I see something not so good. If you don't like it, well... fine, but don't expect that you can tell me what to write and not write. In not so polite English: tough sh**. Get over yourselves. HoTMetaL's insult ridden posts certainly aren't going to influence me, other than to give me a solidly negative opinion of the author.

I do harm to the community by pointing out hype and hyperbole? Pardon my French, but B.S.!

Oh, and I am still not angry. There was no venom in my original post. I looked at it again and I woudn't change a word of it. Take a look at your own posts and compare them to mine and show we which is venomous and which isn't.

Oct 26, 2009
5:56 PM EDT

dang. I'm sorry for getting you so wound up. I personally don't have any problem with your writing style, and certainly didn't mean to make you feel that you had to justify your accomplishments or capabilities to anyone.

Likewise, I was not by any stretch attempting to tell you what you can or can not write. I have to admit I'm a bit confused about how you can exhibit such profound authority issues towards me, when I've never claimed any such authority. I'm not even sure how we can have an intelligent conversation on this non-issue from such a perspective.

To swear at other posters repeatedly, and claim that your still not mad? That's either a confused or dishonest statement, I'm not sure which.

> "I'm not going to apologize for expressing my feelings honestly. "

Nobody's asked you to. You're obviously a very emotional person, and no doubt that strong emotional drive has served you well in many ways. I would ask that you consider that feeling is not the same as thinking.

Oct 26, 2009
6:57 PM EDT
Quoting:Asheville, North Carolina
Deleted. I confused Asheville and Asheboro.

Oct 26, 2009
10:21 PM EDT
This thread is going nowhere.

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