Dillo & Konqueror

Story: Browsers in Linux: They own your CPU (and do so in Windows and Mac, too)Total Replies: 4
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Oct 23, 2009
6:44 PM EDT
Coincidentally, I recently found myself running Dillo. From TinyCore on my USB flashdrive, but I don't think that's important.

What I noted, was that most webpages were probably never tested with Dillo, because I didn't like the experience. Frames and text showed up at places where they were not supposed to show. I have to admit I only tested it for 5 minutes though. But I remember my first 5 minutes with Phoenix were far better.

Konqueror is a story on its ows - I guess. I remember when I was looking for a new browser (I was converting from Windows to some BSD, but for some reason Opera wouldn't install), I installed it and found it to be very slow. Where other browsers load one thing, show that thing, load the next thing, show it, load the next thing, show it and so on, it seemed Konqueror would first load everything, and only after all work was done, show you the page.

This leaded to Konqueror looking really slow, while if you would look at the total time needed to correctly show a page, it probably wasn't all that slow.

So I was really surprised to see how fast Konqueror on KDE4 was. It boots really fast (on a non-KDE desktop!) and also loads javascript pages rather fast. It's probably the lack of plug-ins and me being too lazy to configure the other plug-ins (Flash, java, mediaplayers, pdf) that keep me using Firefox. Even when my current Firefox crashes while trying to view Youtube videos at full size, if it crashes it is not able to restart before manually doing a "killall -9 firefox-bin" and its inability to restore sessions with logins since I migrated to 3.5. And even given the ability of 3d parties like Microsoft to shove software into your Firefox' system-wide add-on directory without Firefox telling the user 'someone beyond Mozilla' installed a new component of FF.

For most Windows users, it's the 'blue E' that's causing them to have trouble to _really_ try another web browser. For me it's the habit of pushing "Winkey + F". Maybe I need to make it start Konqueror, fix the add ons and try longer.

Oct 23, 2009
6:53 PM EDT
Hans: If you haven't already, take a good look at these browsers:

Arora Kazehakase HV3

I find HV3 to be much better than Dillo and every bit as fast on old hardware.

Oct 23, 2009
8:26 PM EDT
I have yet to try Dillo 2, which is supposed to include CSS support, which Dillo 0.8.6 lacks.

Curiously, I believe Dillo was pulled from at least one distro - I think Debian - due to a security issue. Can't remember what it was, but I do recall it happening.

Oct 23, 2009
8:31 PM EDT
Just read about HV3 Caitlyn, but it's Alpha and I have to install it myself. But I might still try.

Oct 23, 2009
8:35 PM EDT
Just read about HV3 Caitlyn, but it's Alpha and I have to install it myself. But I might still try. I found other favorable 2-line comments on the web about it.

However, old hardware is not an issue for me, I only have 1 PC (OK, another one lying in the shed for two consecutive years) and it's fairly up to date. But nice browsers to try nonetheless.

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