The award for best cut-and-paste of useless information...

Story: 2009's Top 10 Reader's Choice Linux DistributionsTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Oct 20, 2009
4:30 PM EDT
The award for best cut-and-paste of useless information goes to Ken Hess. He took his readers' choices and cut and pasted the distro marketing lines. (Does anyone really believe that Arch Linux is trulyu "simple"?) He actually managed to come up with a long post with absolutely no original content, a dubious feat in and of itself.

Oh, FWIW, Hannah Montana Linux is almost certainly a huge copyright violation. It's Kubuntu with themes based on the Disney character, undoubtedly stolen from Disney. This is what Ken Hess showcases just because a reader mentions it?

Ken, if you think we showed disdain for your last nonsense article...

Oct 20, 2009
5:08 PM EDT
I found this article to be surprisingly good -- and much better than the one that preceded it.

Oct 20, 2009
5:19 PM EDT
Quoting:I found this article to be surprisingly good -- and much better than the one that preceded it.

Did I miss sarcasm tags? Because implying this article was much better, also implies Ken Hess writes better articles when his readers tell him what to write about and his content comes from other webpages.

Not that I mind, he honestly told he didn't use most of those distro's and copied the text from the websites of the distro's themselves.

Oct 20, 2009
5:28 PM EDT
Hans, you're right and so is Steven. When Ken cuts and pastes and doesn't write his own material the results ARE better.

This article is still a stupid waste of time.

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