This is awesome

Story: MikeeUSA’s code, now available on geekfeminism.orgTotal Replies: 21
Author Content

Oct 19, 2009
8:37 PM EDT
I got a big smile on my face when I read this article and shared it with a few of the women I work with before we left the office for the day. I especially enjoyed the ponies!

Great job to Skud!

Oct 19, 2009
8:53 PM EDT
Poetic, couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

Oct 19, 2009
9:01 PM EDT
What a well deserved payback. I would LOVE to express my true feelings for him here, but it is not my place to violate the very TOS for which I stand... ;-)

Oct 19, 2009
9:32 PM EDT
Pretty much what Scott said. This is awesome and I just can't elaborate here...

Oct 19, 2009
9:49 PM EDT

Edit: With PWN1E5!

Oct 19, 2009
10:23 PM EDT
Like crazy, man :). what a stroke of genius!

Oct 20, 2009
6:22 AM EDT
Revenge is a dish best served with ponies :-)

Oct 20, 2009
8:52 AM EDT
As is true of many criminals, this guy probably does this stuff for the attention (BTK comes to mind as a recent example). I hope nothing else is written on the topic. You won't hurt his feelings, you'll only encourage him, some people just aren't like the rest of us.

Oct 20, 2009
8:59 AM EDT
I missed the whole thing, and am now going on a quest to find out just what this program is supposed to do.

Edit: Ok, someone wrote ugly code with ugly comments. Then he got banned from someone's private property.

Works for me.

Oct 20, 2009
9:58 AM EDT
Bob, why do you even bother to comment? What a waste of electrons. Your quest was all of two seconds in duration.

Oct 20, 2009
10:26 AM EDT
> Bob, why do you even bother to comment?

Same reason you do.

> What a waste of electrons.

Yep. Well said. Your post added nothing to the discussion what so ever.

> Your quest was all of two seconds in duration.

Actually, I never did find out what the program did. What I found was a non-controversy, handled perfectly well by private parties on private property.

I think it is a wonderful example of how to deal with idiots, without acting like idiots. Such as spending hours and hours bemoaning how awful someone else's comments are, with endless speculation about motives and motivations.

Much simpler and less "waste of electrons" to just say "bah!" and get on with life. Live, with ponies, beautifully done.

Oct 20, 2009
10:38 AM EDT
Bob, Mikee has even visited here blowing his bilious clouds of ignorance. Your quest as you call it, for the extent performed did not even apparently scratch the surface. Trust me, this isn't just poetic justice, it's really darned funny too.

Oct 20, 2009
10:54 AM EDT
Yeah, he had this dubious multi-paraghaphed wall of hateful prose that he cobbled together and then copied and pasted onto almost every discussion thread going on. He's just your typical sort that feels threatened by anybody not belonging to the same demographic as him.

And I looked at some of the code patches at good stuff! :)

Oct 20, 2009
11:20 AM EDT
Az, thanks for the reminder. Yes, his writings here were quite boorish. I didn't trigger on the name, likely because I don't waste long-term memory space on such drivel.

Oct 20, 2009
11:34 AM EDT
> Yes, his writings here were quite boorish.

That's an excellent description of them.


Oct 20, 2009
9:43 PM EDT
MikeeUSA is also the only person I've seen banned from in recent memory. It takes an awful lot to get banned here.

Oct 20, 2009
10:21 PM EDT
Yeah his posts here were about 10 standard deviations away from the mean.

Without any exaggeration at all what I read of his here was by far the worst material I have seen on any online forum anywhere in the past 15 years, Truly disgusting.

Oct 21, 2009
4:40 AM EDT
@montezuma: I've seen worse, but not in the FOSS world.

Oct 21, 2009
9:17 AM EDT
> Without any exaggeration at all what I read of his here was by far the worst material I have seen on any online forum anywhere in the past 15 years,

You lead a sheltered life. :) Though I agree with Sander, I've never seen worse on a FOSS related site.

Oct 21, 2009
10:51 AM EDT

You may have missed his defense of the Hans Reiser murder.....

Matter of opinion but I haven't seen such a thing before online anyway.

In person yes.

Oct 21, 2009
11:18 AM EDT
Quoting:You may have missed his defense of the Hans Reiser murder.....

I didn't miss that. Years (and years) ago, before I went into FOSS and became a productive geek I spent several years at the ass-end of the internet. The stuff you can find there makes Mike's stuff look tame.

But hey, it's the internet! If there's one universal certainty then it's that there is *always* something worse out there :-)

Oct 21, 2009
4:30 PM EDT
Sander, I'm sure your right. I guess I don't go where you are referring to for very good reason.. Years ago when I was young (and stupid) I hitchhiked around Australia. I heard worse then.

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