Cool Pics

Story: Go Outside and PlayTotal Replies: 10
Author Content

Oct 10, 2009
4:22 PM EDT
I must say Western Montana looks much different from 35000ft.

Oct 13, 2009
3:08 PM EDT
Carla, just asking, are those pics taken somewhere near Portland?

Oct 13, 2009
4:15 PM EDT
Hi Hans,

All of them were taken on or near my home in eastern Oregon, except the sculpture on the fencepost. We're about six driving hours from Portland.

Oct 13, 2009
6:13 PM EDT
The cats are great. Somewhere on the web, there was a time-lapse video made with a simple webcam of a cat. That cat was doing almost nothing for 6 consecutive hours, lying and sleeping at the same place 99% of the time. What a great life!

Oct 13, 2009
7:59 PM EDT
{Curmudgeon hat on}

So... what does this have to do with Linux or FLOSS?

{Curmudgeon hat off}

Does this mean I can post an article with cute pictures of my ferrets on LXer?

Oct 13, 2009
8:12 PM EDT

Yes. Sez me. And nobody else matters.

Oct 13, 2009
8:21 PM EDT
> Does this mean I can post an article with cute pictures of my ferrets on LXer?

Sure. Especially if there's Linux running hardware in the picture, or if they're "typing" on the keyboard.

Oct 13, 2009
8:24 PM EDT
Or reading a book about FOSS (using, administering, or developing).

Oct 13, 2009
8:34 PM EDT
The pics were edited with Digikam, which provides a thread, however slender, to Linux, and which is clearly stated on the page. Nobody ever reads....SIGH... /goes off to shoot more insufferably cute puppy and kitty pics.

Oct 13, 2009
10:07 PM EDT

We know you well enough to expect nothing less.


Same goes for you.

Oct 13, 2009
11:20 PM EDT
I would look at ferret pics. Ferrets are cute.

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