Now the new Slack13 variant to fix things up?

Story: Slackware goes 64-bitTotal Replies: 0
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Sep 11, 2009
7:30 PM EDT
The new release of Absolute Linux 13.0, a variant of Slackware 13.0, just came out yesterday -- see DistroWatch summary at and Sherman's own

Given the recent concerns about setting Slackware 13.0's wireless support in such pieces as 'Slackware 13 Wireless'-- linked to by the author at LXer via -- wondering how Absolute 13.0 compares here??

Hopefully, these pieces could give SOME help with wireless on Absolute 13.0 : - The Slackbasics Wireless interfaces section at - Slackbook's Configuring your network in Slackware, - Tourrilhes' wireless device and driver reviews at

Will have to try this out and see how Absolute Linux 13.0 performs on older laptop hardware meeting minimum HW specs compared to a trimmed-down install of Slackware 13.0 with the questionable KDE 4.x. Just using IceWM would seem to trim resources down even further.

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