Now if he would only Give Up writing about Linux,

Story: Year X is NOT the Year of the Linux DesktopTotal Replies: 9
Author Content

Sep 09, 2009
7:25 PM EDT
forever, I could ask for no greater gift.


Sep 09, 2009
8:19 PM EDT

Sep 10, 2009
7:17 AM EDT
If this article is honest, Ken is not interested in Linux anymore. And why write about something that's not of interest?

Sep 10, 2009
3:01 PM EDT
I am glad that Linux distributions are working with web based software and are getting a grip on this new technological curve. But I do not see web based operating systems taking over the world. You are still going to need regular software to run your hardware such as your scanner and your digital camera and printer. For those who understand that their is more to the computer then face book a web based O.S. simply isn't going to cut it. And even if developments are made to provide functionality with your hardware the truth is when your internet is down your system is completely useless, doesn't really sound like a good idea.

Sep 10, 2009
3:08 PM EDT
Another idiotic article from Mr. Hess.

Actually, he is right about one thing. There is no "year of the Linux desktop." Linux desktop adoption and growth has been slow and steady and will continue to grow slowly. The change is evolutionary, not revolutionary. Of course, he's denying that it's happening at all and he's totally wrong about that.

We've had claims that network computing or thin client computing would replace the conventional OS before. It didn't happen because people just don't trust letting some faceless company somewhere else control their data. Cloud computing or web computing or whatever it's called next year will hopefully suffer the same fate.

Sep 10, 2009
8:30 PM EDT
I would say that 99.9% of the people in America, and probably the world, do not have a internet connection fast enough to run an OS from. And those who do, if it exists probably don't want to bog it down with running their OS from it. Talk about a waste of bandwidth.

Sep 10, 2009
11:09 PM EDT
@hkwint I'm not interested in Ken Hess's articles either. A question I have here, though, is just What IS Ken Hess interested in? Is he going with media trends favoring M$ Windoze on netbooks or this cloud/web computing phase or something else? I read an evaluation of his for various Linuix distros, and it was poor. I would have to think that if Ken Hess is certainly using Linux, then he is only using one or two distros, very few F/OSS apps, and not a whole lot more. Why else would he write that he is giving up hope??

Sep 10, 2009
11:14 PM EDT
Why does Ken Hess write what he does? Why do all the clueless so-called tech journalists write what they do? MS shills and astroturfers? I think there are a number of reasons we can agree on. I don't know which one fits Ken Hess.

Sep 11, 2009
7:35 AM EDT
[quote]is just What IS Ken Hess interested in?]/quote]

People signing up for Daniweb - I assume.

Sep 13, 2009
12:40 PM EDT
Actually, I have to agree with Ken Hess here, as shocking as that might be, on this one issue: Year X -- as in 10 A.D. (back when years were written in Roman numerals) -- was not the year of the Linux desktop.

By waving the "white flag," I pray that Ken Hess will stop writing about Linux and move on to something else.

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