Finally someone doing Linux marketing

Story: Windows 7 vs. Linux, Microsoft Trashes Open Source OSTotal Replies: 5
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Sep 09, 2009
3:02 PM EDT
Here's Microsoft educating netbook-resellers there's something beyond Windows. They're also telling them Ubuntu is a version of Linux and they may distribute over 100 updates a month!

They're admitting Windows7 might require some 'learning'. And that it needs additional 'free security' software to function.

And best of all: they're telling Photoshop and Office 2007 run on Windows 7 when trying to sell freakin' netbooks! Of course they will have a high return rate if their customers expect "compatibility with desktop software".

Sep 10, 2009
3:12 PM EDT
Actually netbooks are compatible with desktop software. That's Linux desktop software, of course. Windows is too bloated and bogs down the system which is the only reason Photoshop or Office 2007 won't run worth a d@mn. GIMP and OpenOffice run just fine, thankyouverymuch.

Sep 10, 2009
9:53 PM EDT
@hkwint, I'm wondering how much the M$ training people who put out these presentations are even AWARE how much they are questioning Windows 7's benefits and then doing Linux marketing like you write?? That would be my question. Reminds me also of the negative political mudslinging that typically happens in election years in the U.S. Does this mudslinging ever really work??? I think not !

Sep 10, 2009
11:25 PM EDT
@flufferbeer: I could give specific examples where I believe mudslinging and negative advertising worked in U.S. campaigns. I don't want this to go into a TOS violation and both parties have done it. Do you remember the Willie Horton ads? I believe they are a good example.

Sep 11, 2009
6:26 AM EDT
> I could give specific examples where I believe mudslinging and negative advertising worked in U.S. campaigns.

The key to negative advertising is that it must contain a kernel of truth which will resonate with the public. It can then warp that truth till it no longer bears any semblance to reality, but the kernel of truth must be there.

Sep 11, 2009
7:33 AM EDT
Quoting:@flufferbeer: I could give specific examples where I believe mudslinging and negative advertising worked in U.S. campaigns. I don't want this to go into a TOS violation

It's even viable to give examples without TOS violation: Assumed travel expenses malversations reported by Boston Globe, Peter Quinn, ODF/Massachussets, Peter had to resign, was cleared from the accusations, but too late.

However, back to Microsoft: I'm pretty sure most employees of Best Buys etc. have been disappointed by Microsoft products in the past. Either privately when working with it at home or when trying to help customers. I'm also pretty sure they will remember the Vista-marketing. Probably they also received some "Vista-training" when Vista was introduced. I'm also pretty sure customers came to them complaining about Windows Vista. So, probably, by now they're smart enough to have realized that - at least in the case of Vista - Microsoft advertizing wasn't really telling the truth and should be taken with some tons of salt.

The progress made here: When MS tried to brainwash them about how Vista was the best thing since sliced bread, it didn't became public. Now it does.

That's a tendency it seems. In the recent history, when the Suisse / Romanian / Dutch governments spent milllions on Microsoft software, nobody noticed, then they noticed but almost nobody complained, and nowadays Microsoft can't sell them software without the whole issue becoming public and people starting to complain. Cases like this are discussed in the parliaments (in NL), sometimes even by the presidents of countries (such as Brazil/ Cuba) or sometimes even the government is 'sued' for only looking at Microsoft (this happened in CH).

I see the awareness of what Microsoft is doing increasing, year and year again. And Microsoft is probably helping the awareness by warning Best Buys employees that it would be possible customers could be coming to them asking for 'something else than the newest Windows', or even they could be asking for Linux or Ubuntu!

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