I would have thought it was Microsoft who was to blame

Story: If a flash drive infects a network, who's to blame?Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Sep 07, 2009
5:45 PM EDT
But apparently it's everyone else.

Sep 07, 2009
6:56 PM EDT
And, as usual, they neglected to mention the fact that it's a Windows virus.

I'd lay the blame squarely at the feet of management, who decided to use Windows as the default desktop. In most places, IT only implements policies, they don't create them.

There is absolutely no reason to use Windows as your default desktop anymore. Linux can do anything most places need done, and what it can't do can be handled by Wine, Citrix, or virtualization.

Sep 07, 2009
8:22 PM EDT
@jdixon +1

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