If it has all the functionality of a netbook...

Story: Sharp to sell a 5-inch Linux "babybook" in SeptemberTotal Replies: 13
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Sep 01, 2009
7:30 PM EDT
If it has all the functionality of a netbook I'll want one. The 5" screen size and itty bitty keyboard is perfect. Finally a machine that's small enough! 10 hour battery life and less than a pound sound wonderful to me. That 68 key keyboard with a 14mm key stroke may be a bit difficult to use, though. We'll see...

Sep 01, 2009
7:40 PM EDT
@me 1 1/2 hours ago: "I'd take a slow laptop with 8-10 hours of battery life in a minute, thank you very much."


Um, if someone offered me 100 million euros and a cottage in the Swiss Alps, I'd take it in a minute. ::holding breath::

Seriously, I'm waiting to see more info as well, but that looks promising I have to say.

Sep 01, 2009
8:09 PM EDT
If they are targeting 6-8 yr. olds I guess this will sell... Otherwise: TOO SMALL

Sep 01, 2009
8:40 PM EDT
@klhrevolution: I've got three words for you: you're totally wrong. The UMPC market, meaning tiny devices, sell very well, Executive types love them. So do a lot of geeks. Small always sells well. In the past you paid a premium for tiny. Now that small is also inexpensive, well... people still say netbooks are toys and too small too.

You want to tell me that I'm a seven year olf... I don't think so.

Sep 01, 2009
10:18 PM EDT
It has one USB and one mini USB so you can probably connect a larger keyboard and/or mouse. Also looks like it only does wireless LAN. I don't see any kind of VGA or DVI connector.

But 409 grams, man that thing will get lost in the lint if I don't clean my pockets! I hope it can survive an accidental trip through the washing machine!

Sep 01, 2009
10:47 PM EDT
A hyper-portable packet sniffer. What's not to like?

Sep 02, 2009
12:56 AM EDT
That looks awesome!

Sep 02, 2009
7:45 AM EDT
If it costs $299, I'm not interested. If it costs $99, I'll get one, but I doubt it will be that cheap.

Sep 02, 2009
9:58 AM EDT
At $299 I would be interested. There is a similar box on the market which came out last year (sorry, I forget who makes it) but it has something like a $799 price tag. Sony has one which costs something like $1500. $299 would be affordable to me. The others are, well, a toy for rich people.

Sep 02, 2009
11:00 AM EDT
As I have said previously, my BlackBerry is almost enough for me to use as the only computer...this might be the thing I've been waiting on. Very interested. Prefer to use Linux over the BB OS any day because it's Free, another plus.

Sep 02, 2009
1:04 PM EDT
make it "less than $200" and available in the US and I'd definitely be interested. It looks like an ideal "field" netbook if it can be had in the

Sep 02, 2009
1:35 PM EDT
Quoting:make it "less than $200" and available in the US and I'd definitely be interested.

If rumours are correct, dozens more of these devices (when you count smartphones as well) are coming, though not officially announced yet. This Sharp comes with the Freescale i.Mx SoC, but both Qualcomm with its SnapDragon and TI with its new OMAP 4 series seem to promise a lot. In OMAP 4 - presentations (Youtube for it) you can see you can connect your "mobile device" using HDMI to HD-screens, so if you don't require 'high performance' for your computing needs, desktops might be a thing of the past.

Sep 02, 2009
4:03 PM EDT
Reminds me of my Zaurus 5500. http://www.myzaurus.com/

One of the downfalls of the Zaurus was its lack of a USB host. It was a USB device, for synching and such, but it could not take a larger keyboard, external (not CF card) network, etc.

Glad to see progress marching on. I still use the Zaurus for audio and text books at night when I don't want a light on.

Sep 02, 2009
5:30 PM EDT
Quoting:If rumours are correct, dozens more of these devices (when you count smartphones as well) are coming, though not officially announced yet.

One can only hope. Competition is a good thing and I definitely think the market is there.

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