Trying to have it both ways

Story: Staying PowerTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Aug 31, 2009
10:15 PM EDT
In the first part of this article Linux users are complacent and lazy. A typical fat, dumb, and happy user. In the second part of the article Linux user have some form of cancerous zealotry, pushing an agenda without caring about the problems.

No matter what you do you are in the wrong. This is simple self-loathing trying to masquerade as introspective thought. What a waste of time!

Aug 31, 2009
10:21 PM EDT
Well, to a degree, the first part is right. Linux users, once things are set up well, can be as complacent and lazy as they want. Just keep up on security updates, and everything will be fine.

As opposed to RedmondOS, for which even high diligence may not be enough to keep the machine from getting pwn3d while the initial set of updates are downloading.

Aug 31, 2009
10:39 PM EDT
Zealotry is also a real problem in some corners of the Linux community. Oh, and yes, he's right that sometimes we are our own worst enemies. I just don't agree with his conclusions or see doom and gloom.

Aug 31, 2009
11:51 PM EDT
Could be another disgruntled whiner here. Ford dwells too much on things it [Linux] cannot do; what he calls Linux's "annoyances". Commentator Ernie said it best, mentioning that maybe Ford is a little much too hands-off "to get dirty" and resolve some of his annoyances. 2c.

Sep 01, 2009
10:17 AM EDT
There are zealots in the Windows world, too. Worse there, they are normally hiding behind "best recommendations" while they seek to guard their living which depends on buggy, ill-written and unstable software. Rather like a doctor who doesn't want people to be healthy, else he'll be out of a job.

So eat that cheeseburger, yo! And get that new Windows 7 PC, dude!

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