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Story: Technology's Reach and Security's GraspTotal Replies: 39
Author Content

Aug 28, 2009
2:03 PM EDT
An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details.


Aug 28, 2009
2:04 PM EDT
I get the same result here.

Aug 28, 2009
2:18 PM EDT
Is up for me, hmm.

Aug 28, 2009
2:20 PM EDT
I sense a conspiracy!

Aug 28, 2009
3:05 PM EDT
@Scott: I still can't get there from here.

Aug 28, 2009
3:08 PM EDT
I've tried through my home connection, work connection, and the church's connection. Same error all around.

Aug 28, 2009
3:25 PM EDT
Hmm. It's working fine from here at the office.

Aug 28, 2009
3:41 PM EDT
Obviously your browser is broken...

Aug 28, 2009
3:44 PM EDT
lol. One test was through Firefox the others were using Links.

Aug 28, 2009
6:04 PM EDT
And it's working from home. Double hmm....

Aug 28, 2009
6:09 PM EDT
Weirdness...still down for me

Aug 28, 2009
6:20 PM EDT
Still down for me as well.

Aug 28, 2009
6:46 PM EDT
Works fine from The Netherlands.

Aug 28, 2009
7:30 PM EDT
Works in my part of a subtropical mid-Atlantic state.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009080316 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.13


Aug 28, 2009
7:33 PM EDT
Sub-tropical mid-Atlantic?

Your pilgrimages to Redmond must cost you a fortune.

Aug 28, 2009
7:41 PM EDT
No I just sit here cutting open the envelopes and those having checks are signed and mailed out with a deposit slip while I stick close to an A.C. vent. When I lived in Chicago I tried to find work in Minnesota to enjoy a cooler climate with more snow and ski time. Ended up on the East Coast instead.

It could be worse, however, it could be season less North Florida.

Aug 28, 2009
8:46 PM EDT
hmm...which begs the question, why does it work for you guys but not for us?


It seems to be something specific to Standards Blog. I can load the front page fine. And the links for Standards Today, Standards News, and Essentials Guide all work fine. But clicking on Standards Blog (or one of the article headlines in it) gives the SQL error.


Aug 29, 2009
2:21 AM EDT
I suggest you e-mail the author and tell him about your problem.

Aug 29, 2009
8:05 AM EDT

Would you post the link that fails for you? I tried the "Full Story" link and all the odd ways i could find to reach the item and all worked. Since you see it on multiple browsers, it should be reproducible by others.

In an attempt to see the same problem, I looked up "Standards Today" and clicked on the Blog tag and the item came up without any problem. I did notice, however, that something on the site continued to load long after the page snapped into view. Perhaps your system is finding a low probability path to the problem.

In any case, post the link you use and I will try to see if it fails for me.

Aug 29, 2009
12:20 PM EDT

All immediately go to the error page in Links and Firefox.

To make things even weirder, I just checked in Opera and they loaded up perfectly there.....


Aug 29, 2009
12:30 PM EDT
I get the error in FF as well. I don't have another browser installed so checking in a different one would require more work.

Aug 29, 2009
12:41 PM EDT
I can confirm it works in Opera. It also works in Konqueror and Arora. No luck with Firefox. Weird...

Time to file a bug report with Mozilla, I guess.

Aug 29, 2009
12:44 PM EDT
I'd say a Firefox bug except that it doesn't work in Links either. :P

Aug 29, 2009
1:29 PM EDT

Tried all three in turn worked on getting to the standard's blog pages. The only difference between the three is the last link yielded a new topic: "The North Dakota Badlands and the Making of a President", new for Sat. the 29th.

I am running Firefox 3.0.13 on Ubuntu 8.04 that is fully patched for my set of applications. Since others have tested Konqueror I will not bother. The only other difference that might be playing a role, is I am running with an old AMD 32 bit CPU, XP 2600+. Are those that are having problems running a 64bit version of Firefox? If so that is a common characteristic, you may have found a bug in Firefox.

Aug 29, 2009
1:32 PM EDT
I'm using the 32 bit version of Firefox 3.5.2 as packaged for Pardus.

Aug 29, 2009
1:33 PM EDT
I guess I could not resist, works almost the same way with Konqueror. Just caught off guard with its popping up a new window for each link. Otherwise exactly the same, but again I am running a 32bit system.

Aug 29, 2009
1:43 PM EDT
Interesting. I can see it at home, but not from my parents' house.

32-bit Firefox in both places.

Aug 29, 2009
1:56 PM EDT
One more test, running on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.4 and Safari 4.0.2*, which just like Konqueror popped new windows for each link. The CPU is an Intel Core Duo that I suspect is a 64 bit chip, however, I am unsure about Safari even having a 64 bit version.

* My daughter's machine.

Aug 29, 2009
2:13 PM EDT
All of techiem's links work from here (home) with Firefox 3.0.13 on Slackware 12.2 (13.0 is waiting for a free weekend to burn to CD and install). I'm using an AMD Sempron 3400 processor (single core, 64 bit capable).

Aug 29, 2009
2:42 PM EDT
It works on my wife's work laptop running Windows and FF 3.5.2, running at home. I am running mint 7 on my laptop which has FF 3.0.13 on it. It didn't work on the old laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 with FF 3.5.4pre. This is really odd.

Aug 29, 2009
4:03 PM EDT
Works with opera and firefox 3.0.13 here, but fails with ff 3.5.x, chromium and elinks (all 32-bit).

Aug 31, 2009
5:15 PM EDT
I contacted Updegrove and I learned his site had been hacked. In addition (see copy of email content below), they have been unable to reproduce the problem. So whomever experienced the problem, could you try again and send screen shots of the problem with error messages etc.?

From: [e-mail:Contact me with internal LXer email for the address]

Hi [TxtEdMacs],

Thanks for the note and information. This has been a tough problem for us as we know many users are having the problem but none of us (those working on the problem, host, developers, sysadmin) can duplicate the iusse. Could I impose on you and ask that you send me a few screen shots of the page and errors you are getting?

Many thanks, Stirling

Stirling Thomas Director of Information Technology Gesmer Updegrove LLP 40 Broad Street Boston, MA 02109 V 617-350-6800 x 376 F 617-350-6878


Sep 01, 2009
2:18 AM EDT
Don't they have logs, or something? The error I get says:

"An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details."


Sep 01, 2009
3:55 AM EDT
jezuch: It would probably be useful for Updegrove if you can tell him the exact time that an error occurs and what your IP address was at that time. It makes searching big error logs a lot easier!

Sep 01, 2009
3:10 PM EDT
Well, everything works fine for me today... So maybe they found the logs without my intervention :)

Sep 01, 2009
3:19 PM EDT
Yes, works for me too with all browsers and I confirmed the same to Stirling.

Sep 01, 2009
7:50 PM EDT
It seems the problem has been solved as the last posts here seem to indicate. Thanks for the help is expressed below, here:


I believe we have resolved the issue and have confirmed with a number of users that have contacted us with the issue. Would it be too much for to ask you post that we think we've got it fixed?

Thank you again for your assistance.

Many thanks, Stirling
and here:

Quoting:Thanks very much for helping us out with this - we wouldn't have been able to figure things out without the help from the field. I'm much obliged. I'm hoping that the folks at LXer who were having problems will now all be able to log on without difficulty (and will let us know if that's not the case).


Please note the request that anyone having problems getting to their site contact them. If you need Stirling's email address, contact me using the LXer internal email.



Sep 01, 2009
10:38 PM EDT
Stirling and Andy, grateful to a Microsoft shill?

I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I say!

Sep 02, 2009
9:06 AM EDT

Why Not? Now everyone can be see for themselves the radical, offensive people they are [all to help my kind, benign benefactor*, of course] convincing people that closed, proprietary software cannot be beaten. Moreover, our software is easy to install and maintain, unlike that free junk. And it's safe too with built-in malware protection that the Free stuff lacks.

By the way, take your fingers out of the power socket and my actions will be much less shocking.

Your Buddy Txt.

* Submitted by the Official, Resident LXer MS Shill [All Others are Fakes!]


Sep 04, 2009
12:46 PM EDT
Sorry, I've been swamped with schoolwork this week. But yes, it seems to work fine for me now.

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