My advice to Linux newbies...

Story: Linux Newbie, You Have Options.Total Replies: 6
Author Content

Aug 20, 2009
6:45 PM EDT
My advice to Linux newbies is to ignore anything written by Ken Hess.

Aug 20, 2009
6:49 PM EDT

Aug 20, 2009
7:34 PM EDT
I saw the line:

> Linux Newbies, you also have an ally: Me.

and my immediate thought was, "With friends like these...".

Aug 21, 2009
1:16 PM EDT
+1 caitlyn and jdixon. No, make that +10, binary or otherwise. It's nothing short of awe-inspring how someone can be so pretentious and know so little.


Aug 21, 2009
1:19 PM EDT
Yeah, that was a pretty useless article. Does he get paid for that? I think there are several people who post here who could do a lot better.

Aug 21, 2009
1:48 PM EDT
Daniweb is like LiveJournal, but for tech topics. Anyone can join.

Aug 21, 2009
1:51 PM EDT
@tuxchick Ah, that explains a lot.

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