So it's a great idea....

Story: Use Multiple Debian Versions At the Same TimeTotal Replies: 3
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Aug 14, 2009
10:52 PM EDT
.... except when it's not.

And it works great.... except when it doesn't.

But that's OK, because you can always make do without it.

Aug 14, 2009
11:08 PM EDT
@Bob: While your commentary is accurate the information Juliet posted is useful a lot of the time. It shows how you can sometimes (not always) grab something from testing and use it in stable. No, its not 100% but I could see where it could be a real timesaver.

Aug 15, 2009
3:37 AM EDT
The problem with that approach is that in almost all cases it will try to update the libc6 which is not a very good idea. The approach is much better suited for testing+unstable(+experimental) rather than stable+ anything.

Aug 15, 2009
5:23 AM EDT
If you want newer packages in Debian Stable, you need to either use the Backports package archive [1] or compile from source. Mixing Stable with Testing or Unstable is a very bad idea.

If you want newer packages in Debian Testing, you should read this HowTo document:


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