Zip (or tar) it ...

Story: Why FTP sucksTotal Replies: 3
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Aug 13, 2009
10:16 PM EDT
I agree with the commenters on the original post. You don't want to FTP 7,000 small files. Either zip or tar them and then transfer one big file and unpack on the other end. My hosting provider allows you to do that with the file manager on the other end -- you don't need shell access.

Aug 14, 2009
1:26 AM EDT
I disagree, actually. Even when tarred you shouldn't use FTP . You should use SCP of SFTP. FTP sends your password in plaintext over the network. That to me is the #1 reason FTP sucks.

What? Your hosting providers doesn't give you SFTP access? Move to a better hoster :-)

Aug 14, 2009
10:55 AM EDT
I'm with Sander on this one. I tend to use scp or sftp for everything. A lot of the GUI FTP clients also support sftp.

I like tar + lzma. lzma offers better compression.

Aug 14, 2009
11:57 AM EDT
@Sander_Marechal I agree completely... scp/sftp is the way to go.

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