not IT, but PR

Story: Chrome OS to Bring More Linux IT Jobs?Total Replies: 4
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Jul 19, 2009
1:32 AM EDT
They don't need Linux gurus to spew torrents of announcements, articles, and opinion on a non-existent OS, just ordinary PR flacks.

Jul 19, 2009
1:45 AM EDT
Why tc - linux is hardly nonexistent! I'm grieved!

Jul 19, 2009
2:10 AM EDT
Quoting:linux is hardly nonexistent!

That's right, according to Microsoft Linux has about the same, or slightly more, market share as Apple OSX.

What's really interesting, is that is you point this out, the Windows Zealots, they go to a lot of effort to prove that their god couldn't possibly have that right. It's a funny old world.

Jul 19, 2009
2:27 AM EDT
@ta - Well said

Jul 19, 2009
11:10 AM EDT
@tracyanne It is funny that Microsoft fans are in such a connundum... They believe that Microsoft would not do anything wrong, lie or make a mistake... But they insist that Linux has < 1% market share even though Microsoft says its a lot more than that... Hard for them to explain that... Either Microsoft is lying to make it look like they have credible competition and therefore aren't a de-facto monopoly or Linux really has a lot more market share than they'd like to admit.

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