I get this drivel from tons of the uninitiated

Story: Don't Get Me Wrong, Linux sucks as much as WindowsTotal Replies: 1
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Jun 06, 2009
5:34 PM EDT
I get this drivel from tons of the uninitiated all the time, or worse from the 'I know whats up guys" that I wouldn't loan my abacus to much less a computer. The flexability and power of an OS comes from the ability to configure its functions. That requires time and effort to learn. In many ways slacware is one of the most powerful varieties of Linux, but many users shy away from it because it installs without a GUI. Ubuntu and PC Linux on the other hand are a great OS choice for the user that wants ease of installation and configuration. Some of the other distros like fedora, centos, the list goes on all, offer huge amounts of powerful apps and are user friendly. Windows is also a well rounded option, and it drives me nuts when I hear people ragging on XP because they are to disorganized to maintain there system properly. I choose to use Linux because I like what the platform stands for, millions of people world wide creating a working system together, but I migrate between Linux and Windows just fine. Even Vista works if used properly, but people continue to rag on it because the sheer weight of the OS eats up memory and you can't install every freeware option from not ready for primetime programmers. A computer is like any other machine, if you don't maintain it the processes will fail.

If you want your computer to work, use software that you understand and back up your data. If your venturing into uncharted waters, back up your OS, your data, whatever you need to fix it. It's just fine if you don't, but when you come crying to me to fix it, I'm gonna charge you to do it.

Jun 09, 2009
3:33 AM EDT
Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS, DSL ..... Mandriva, OpenSuSE, Fedora, CentOS .... Debian, Slackware......

synaptic, apt, rpm, yast, yum, slapt ....

Quoting:The flexability and power of an OS comes from the ability to configure its functions. That requires time and effort to learn.
Indeed! No arguments here.

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