Dismissing ARM already

Story: Computex: Where Are ARM and Android-Based Netbooks?Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Jun 06, 2009
9:09 AM EDT
Michael J. Miller's point seems to be dismissing ARM before it hits the market. It's off hidden behind closed doors, it's not ready yet, it may not be to market for some time (Acer begs to differ), and even when it arrives it may not be any good. First generation anti-ARM FUD anyone?

Jun 06, 2009
10:34 PM EDT
Indeed, The ARM Arch is a place where Microsoft can't play at least for now!

Jun 07, 2009
10:51 AM EDT
We are in need of further architectures for OSes to run on, so here's to all the best for ARM and anything else. Microsoft has proven that a software monoculture is a hinderance to general computing evolution, Intel (or anyone else) as the only thing on the hardware side will be just as bad. Choices and competition will lead to better and stronger things, in both hardware and software.

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