
Story: Redhat/Fedora drops MonoTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 04, 2009
10:03 AM EDT
As is usual for Roy Schestowitz, this rumor is nothing more than that. A rumor.

Fedora continues to ship Mono. The only difference is that they have switched to GNote for fresh installs of Fedora (starting with 11) so that they can have the same application on the LiveCD (since they don't have room for Mono). This has nothing to do with fear of patents like Roy so desperately wants people to believe.

See here: http://www.archivum.info/fedora-desktop-list@redhat.com/2009...

If you google for "fedora gnote" you find hundreds of links to Roy's propaganda, so it took me a while to find the actual truth (the mailing-list discussion on the fedora lists).

No doubt this is Roy's game. Smear Mono and push his own "facts" so as to make it impossible for anyone to find the real truth.

Jun 04, 2009
2:45 PM EDT
You pretty much summed it up. It would have been fair for Roy to say that Mono has been dropped from the default installation of Fedora, which is true. The way this is worded is inaccurate.

Jun 04, 2009
4:34 PM EDT
Roy is a bigger liar than the Microsoft Shills, with friends like him, who needs enimies.

Jun 04, 2009
5:58 PM EDT
As some of you know I also write about a specific political issue quite a bit. There are people who would claim to be ardently on the same side of the issue that I am. However, they are free and loose with the facts and often resort to hyperbole or outright revisionism. Revisionism, when used in relation to history, is a very civilized and polite way of saying lying IMNSHO. These people do more harm to their cause than good. They give the opposing side the ability to point out the lies and use them to try and discredit everyone who argues against them.

Using misinformation invariably hurts your cause more than it helps. Roy will never convince me to boycott Novell. Novell can convince me through questionable actions. Roy, OTOH, gives me reason to want to use Novell products.

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