Some of the comments are better than the article

Story: Little Laptops With Linux Have Compatibility Issues Total Replies: 9
Author Content

May 29, 2009
10:35 AM EDT
I can see why there was another article debunking this one. It sounds like the reviewer didn't know how to or care to learn how to configure CUPS which is, after all, intuitive and reasonably easy when done through the web interface or Ubuntu's GUI tools. Ditto support for his camera. Windows often needs drivers and add on software. Things don't "just work" in XP any more than Ubuntu.

Articles like these in mainstream non-technical publications often unfairly paint Linux as difficult to use when, in fact, it really isn't.

May 29, 2009
10:45 AM EDT
Where's the article debunking this one please?

May 29, 2009
10:50 AM EDT
Quoting:All the netbooks I tried had compatibility problems with other external devices. The netbooks couldn't load the software drivers to let me print to my Canon and Dell printers. I couldn't load pictures over a USB cable from my Canon PowerShot SD750 digital camera. I was able to get my pictures on the machines by plugging a storage card from my camera directly into the netbooks.

I don't know what that means. What software drivers was he trying to load? With Ubuntu I simply plug it in and a dialog pops up and it does all the installing for me. Support for external devices is one area where Linux shines in comparison with Windows. Sure, there are some device manufacturers that have still not supported Linux, but I don't think Canon and Dell printers or his digital camera fit into that category.

What he should have said is, "I tried to do things exactly the way I do with Windows, it didn't work, so I gave up. I'm too lazy to find out what needs to be done, because Linux is just free Windows, so I shouldn't have to look for help."

The answer is simple: You should not use Linux to save money on a Windows license.

May 29, 2009
11:11 AM EDT

bigg: You pretty much nailed it. With his perspective going in there is no way he could have done a favorable review of a Linux netbook.

May 29, 2009
11:13 AM EDT
bigg +1

May 29, 2009
11:19 AM EDT
Quoting:What software drivers was he trying to load?

The ones coming on that discs that both you and I - probably any Linux user use as frisbee, or mirror if your bathroom is occupied. At least I think.

Quoting:What he should have said is, "I tried to do things exactly the way I do with Windows, it didn't work, so I gave up.

Nailed it; but we should help those people. Some line in udev or Upstart that whenever a CDROM (or file?) with Windows drivers is detected, pops up the dialog box and lies to the user that the drivers will be installed. Then the user will be happy.

Also you shouldn't call it a 'CUPS webinterface', you should call it 'Printer driver webpage'. Then most of the problem will be gone I think.

May 29, 2009
6:32 PM EDT
Quoting:Some line in udev or Upstart that whenever a CDROM (or file?) with Windows drivers is detected, pops up the dialog box and lies to the user that the drivers will be installed. Then the user will be happy.

I'd rather it not lie, but that it inform the user that the Printer manufacturer did not supply the correct drivers, and that it is fetching new drivers from the Netbook manufacturer's website (if there is no web connection, that it needs to be connected first), the the message.

In other words put the blame back on the Device manufacturer, and then remedy the situation.

May 29, 2009
6:37 PM EDT
Ah, even a better idea TA. Can we post this to Dell Ideastorm?

May 29, 2009
7:17 PM EDT
HK, you can if you want.

May 29, 2009
8:24 PM EDT
I do remember my last "big" Windows install in which I had to Google my way around the Web to find video and audio drivers for the motherboard. ...

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