Oh by the way

Story: How To Install VMware Server 2 On Ubuntu 9.04Total Replies: 2
Author Content

May 25, 2009
5:08 PM EDT
Bridged networking on VirtualBox just works, it used to be a horrid little pavane of making sure the vbox user had all the right permissions, I just noticed the other day that I could switch all my VMs to Bridged, which means they are all on the same networkas my physical machine.

May 26, 2009
2:39 PM EDT
Does vbox automagically create new tun/tap interfaces on your bridged nic for you now or do you still have to create them manually? Qemu/KVM use the tun/tap bridges as well, so adding a new interface on my server is just a matter of adding defining a new one in the network config and restarting the network.

May 26, 2009
4:56 PM EDT
Automagically, at least on my Ubuntu rig. I just thought I'd give bridged networking a try, and it worked, no mess, no fuss.

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