A new low for LJ?

Story: Cisco Settles, But Where From Here?Total Replies: 11
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May 25, 2009
5:04 AM EDT
What a piece of insidious FUD. I don't have a very high opinion of LJ to begin with (some authors are great, some aree just MS shills it seems) but this really sets a new low.

May 25, 2009
5:14 AM EDT
The moral of the story is don't defend the GPL, you might lose.

May 25, 2009
5:55 AM EDT
Yeah, crazy isn't it?

May 25, 2009
8:52 AM EDT
Linux Journal has hit so many lows it's hard to tell if this is really a new bottom. I'm still not sure they've topped this: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/blog/2007/10/linux_journals_...

May 25, 2009
10:40 AM EDT
Yeah, that was pretty low as well.

May 25, 2009
11:44 AM EDT
They keep pestering me with their "special discount for former LJ subscribers". I'm nearly ready to start marking their stuff as spam.

May 25, 2009
11:47 AM EDT
gus: They finally gave up on me :) It's been about two and a half years since I dropped the subscription. I have no intention of resubscribing unless there are major editorial changes.

May 25, 2009
1:23 PM EDT
The article's author has no faith in the GPL, or too much love for the FSF. Probably the former.

I would love to see a court test of the GPL because I believe it to be a good strong license and because I believe that court tests would trim it back here and there, making clear where the boundaries actually lie.

Frankly, I think a court test would make it easier to incorporate GPL'd code into non-GPL'd binaries, and I think that would be a good thing.

May 26, 2009
9:54 AM EDT
Ye gods, what an awful article.

Dino, the GPL has seen the inside of courtrooms in Germany, and won. I think if it ever goes to a US court test it will be over the derived works bit, since that still seems to be a point of confusion. Otherwise it seems to have Magic Clarity Powers to the point that so far, nobody in the US has been foolish enough to challenge it.

May 26, 2009
10:55 AM EDT
TC -

It's not a matter of winning or losing so much as defining the boundaries. FSF tends to overreach, as do people who want to stretch the envelope.

And yes -- we are talking about derived works -- more or less

The GPL's problem with derived works comes down to distribution because the GPL allows users to create derived works with non-GPL'd code, but not to distribute them. By the same token, non-GPL'd code that can incorporate GPL'd code but is distributed without it is not a derived work, so...well, you get the idea.

May 26, 2009
11:24 AM EDT


May 26, 2009
4:47 PM EDT
Yup. ;0)

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