I can't be bothered

Story: This is Why Lenovo Sucks at LinuxTotal Replies: 4
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Apr 22, 2009
10:11 AM EDT
The level of (perhaps feigned) ignorance is staggering.

I used to be highly annoyed by such blatantly ignorant pieces, but I can't be bothered anymore. I can even see them in a positive light these days.

Let Lenovo think they've got the "Goose with the Golden Eggs" in Microsoft's snake oil products. The more they intertwine with MS' byzantine software plays, the harder they'll fall.

Linux has time. The only significant weak spot right now, is the penetration on the desktop. Since we have an abusive predator in that market, fouling the free market up every which way it can, it is no wonder the going is slow. We've already passed Windows technologically on almost every level on the desktop. It's the sheer clout MS has, that is holding us back for now.

Eventually, one of the bigger companies will figure out how to successfully build a consumer oriented business around Linux. (Read: offer customers a good deal.) When that day comes, they will zoom passed all the morbidly MS dependent OEM's/IHV's and that will be that. Those caught by surprise but with enough agility to adapt will survive. Those who can't adapt will wither and die.

I can't even be bothered by all those people stagnant enough to put all their skills eggs in MS' basket. When the day comes that the powers that be decide it is cheaper to retrain all the monkeys instead of keep feeding MS, I'll be ahead of the curve and be more valuable in the job market. Darwin at work...

Apr 22, 2009
11:16 AM EDT
Decompile? Can we get a tutorial on this?

Apr 22, 2009
1:29 PM EDT
Quoting:We've already passed Windows technologically on almost every level on the desktop. It's the sheer clout MS has, that is holding us back for now.

We saw more of that. I hope everybody here knows GM and Tesla. The firmer receives gazillions of dollars from government for making products nobody wants because they employ lots of voters. The second doesn't receive enough money to start manufacturing a product everybody wants, if only the price was lower at least. In the Netherlands there's not much of an automotive industry anymore, but a few weeks ago I read about DuraCar starting to make electrical vehicles with engines in the wheels, something even Toyota doesn't have.

This clearly shows most innovation comes from small companies like DuraCar* / Tesla etc. and not from Toyota and GM.

The same goes for Linux and computers I guess. Innovation doesn't come from Lenovo, Dell, HP and such. The more Linux they sell, the less Windows they sell, the more they have to pay per Windows license, and the more expensive their Windows products will be. Because that's most important to them, they cannot afford to sell much Linux. However, this doesn't go for small shops not relying on Windows or Microsoft at all.

In the same way, innovation is not coming from Microsoft or Google either. Yes, they do invent good stuff from time to time, but nothing compared to the money they throw at it. It may well be some 'other Michael Dell' is walking around selling Linux computers now, and nobody knows it - yet.

Quoting:Eventually, one of the bigger companies will figure out how to successfully build a consumer oriented business around Linux.

For the reasons above, I really question that. They will only 'figure out' how to earn from Linux if they are threatened by small, new, innovative companies. One really great example is: "How long did it took for Intel, Asus and all other johny-come-latelies to figure out there was a demand for tiny laptops?" Well, in fact they didn't, some company they never heard of did it for them. The only thing that kept them from being surpassed in this market completely is imitation and using their politicians to sell those imitations and kill the original.

If companies which can do some good and aggressive marketing like HP, Dell etc. can't figure out there's demand for tiny laptops, then how on earth would they figure out how to earn money from Linux? Intel, however, is the proof you're right and I'm wrong; and theoretically it's possible for some of them to figure out. After they almost completely lost a market, that is.

Quoting:(Read: offer customers a good deal.)

That's a good one, something you might expect from a free market with demand and offer and all such things. However, they earn more from screwing their customers and I'm really afraid that might stay for a while.

*Here some figures: this mini-van goes from 0-100km/h in 4 sec, only slowed down to 10 sec to reach a greater radius of action. Also, €1 to €2 for energy per 100km. For those still not bothering to use international standards: That's equal to 0-60mph in 4 sec and ~$2-$4 per 100 miles; and that for a mini-van! Curious thing is, the thing doesn't even have it's own Wikipedia page as of today, so who on earth would know there's anything beyond the Prius with its 32k article?

Apr 22, 2009
2:01 PM EDT
LenovoSoft-- We Put the "No" in Innovation!

Apr 22, 2009
5:32 PM EDT
Lenovo printers: We put the 'ink' in LenovoSink!

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