I'm glad to see this coming from Computerworld...

Story: 100% cure for ConfickerTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Apr 01, 2009
4:24 PM EDT
...which has never been a bastion of Linux supporters. The cure for all Windows malware is to stop running Windows and as Vaughn-Nichols makes clear, it's not a painful cure at all.

I watched the CNN coverage of Conflicker today and the assumption was that if you are running a PC you are running Windows. The only time Windows was even mentioned was in the solutions section, like running Windows update. Grrr...

Now, how do we get Mr. Vaughn-Nichols into the mainstream, non-tech media?

Apr 01, 2009
5:09 PM EDT
Quoting:the assumption was that if you are running a PC you are running Windows.
... and that is exactly(!!) what Microsoft and its advocates in the mainstream news media prefer that end-users continue to believe. This ties in directly with comments in the 'HLN got it right' thread at http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/28777/. One of the indirect points here and in this latter thread is that Microsoft-allied news media outlets such as CNN most certainly have incentives to minimize mention of Linux as a possible "cure" to Conf[l]icker !

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