Novell CEO never 'dissed' Desktop Linux

Story: Another Linux Desktop Diss from Red Hat Total Replies: 1
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Mar 26, 2009
1:48 PM EDT
@Ken Hess, The Novell CEO simply said that it would take longer for it to develop market penetration outside of the enterprise. This is not a case of being disrespectful, but of being realistic.

And so far, he's been spot-on.

Your suggestion to the Redhat CEO about how to make money with Desktop Linux ("do like MS and sell it!") shows that you have little grasp on how to create a market for a product. If simply building a good product is all that is necessary to turn a profit, then the good people at Zero Pollution Motors should have sold millions of cars by now.

Here's my suggestion to you: stop making suggestions on marketing moves and stick with what you know.

Mar 26, 2009
3:28 PM EDT
I have to agree. I don't think it's possible for Novell or Red Hat to make money on desktop Linux. Microsoft gets a donation on every machine sold because Windows is what people know. For darn sure, Microsoft doesn't make its money selling desktop Windows support contracts.

The school systems subsidize Microsoft by teaching students, at no cost, how to use Windows. I could write my own garbage proprietary OS and make tons of money if I got that kind of subsidy. If the school systems would instead teach Linux, there would still be no profitability because there are many high quality, free versions of Linux.

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