Gee, ya think?

Story: Linux Gaining Strength In Downturn Total Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 15, 2009
4:17 PM EDT
The economic pressures are strengthening the trend toward a higher linux deployment rate. It's almost surreal to see how my daytime employer has changed their stance.

Back in the 90s when I introduced linux, bringing up useful services on linux boxes created out of discarded windoze pcs, there was only grudging acknowledgment of the "upstart operating system" (who remembers that tired old moniker?). I fought against the prevailing management attitudes for years to keep linux servers in production, and to move them into any new role I could come up with.

Today, linux is the official infrastructure platform at this conservative firm, and with the end of the sco threat, and the current financial squeeze, their interest in linux has become quite fervent. It's a very good time to be a linux sys admin.

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