Helios is 'back'

Story: HeliOS Project Brings Linux Technology to the East SideTotal Replies: 31
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Mar 06, 2009
6:08 AM EDT
lots of 'disbelievers' there : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1088394

Mar 06, 2009
6:25 AM EDT
Sad, isn't it?

There's cartoon in that thread that made me laugh though: http://hommz.com/images/PC_&_Mac_Vs_Linux.jpg

Mar 06, 2009
9:10 AM EDT
> lots of 'disbelievers' there...

I've never understood why so many people react that way. Personally, I tend to give people the benefit of a doubt unless I've got a good reason to do otherwise (the MSI return claims are a good example of such a case). Helios has never given me any such reason. And anyone who thinks such things don't happen is an idiot. I've been in at least half a dozen physical confrontations in my life.

Mar 06, 2009
9:27 AM EDT
Yeah, I consider myself a rather ordinary sort, and I too have had several extraordinary things happen to me in life. And people behaving thuggishly is not that implausible, surely.

Mar 06, 2009
9:36 AM EDT
Sometimes in life, you encounter the morons.

I've had a few of those encounters in my life, and don't doubt the story at all.

And lest we forget -- this be Texas we're talking about.

Years ago, when I first moved to Texas, before I had gotten Texas plate, I had a guy force me of the road and tell me I needed to go back to yankee land.

Ten years later, sadly, I did.

Mar 06, 2009
11:16 AM EDT
"sadly" Dino? I was enthralled when I left Texas for good 20 years ago and never looked back...except for the brisket.


Mar 06, 2009
11:34 AM EDT
I've found good brisket elsewhere. And no matter how good the brisket, it would never make me regret leaving Texas.

Mar 06, 2009
11:45 AM EDT
Brisket? You mean like this? http://www.honeybearsbbq.com/

Mar 06, 2009
11:50 AM EDT
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout...

Mar 06, 2009
11:55 AM EDT
tuxtom --

Yeah...slow-cooked brisket. Oh my, must clean drool. At least I can get good Mexican these days. Wasn't so true 20 years ago, when I first moved up to Yankee land.

I must admit that I am not anxious to move back to the Dallas area, even though (because?) I have lots of family there. Austin, San Antonio, something like that, not so bad. Even hunkering down off-grid in the piney woods out Arkansas and Louisana way doesn't sound bad.

Getting REAL tired of northern nanny-states and nitwits. Would happily move to either Carolina, New Hampshire, or other place that still respects a bit of freedom.

Mar 06, 2009
11:59 AM EDT
Now I hate you even more, Scott. I have a lunch appointment, so I'll be eating late today. How am I supposed to get any work done when I'm thinking about Honey Bear's?

Mar 06, 2009
12:31 PM EDT
And to think, I live within walking distance to their main location...yummy yummy...;-)

Mar 06, 2009
1:02 PM EDT
Quoting: lots of 'disbelievers' there : [HYPERLINK@ubuntuforums.org]

Good grief, don't any adults post on the Ubuntu forums?

Mar 06, 2009
1:39 PM EDT
> don't any adults post on the Ubuntu forums?

Adults use Debian.



Mar 06, 2009
3:41 PM EDT
Bob ---


Mar 06, 2009
4:10 PM EDT
> Getting REAL tired of northern nanny-states and nitwits.

I thought political comment was forbidden here. My comment about the naming of Mepis AntiX (which is political commentary in itself) was pulled. Why is right-wing political baiting permitted then?

If you're going to enforce the "no politics, no religion" in the TOS it needs to be enforced equally on all viewpoints.

Mar 06, 2009
4:18 PM EDT
Quoting:Good grief, don't any adults post on the Ubuntu forums?

Apparently not, my one encounter with them was quite enough. I still have an account on those forums, but it's apparently been disabled, probably because of my irate tirade to the administrator after they deleted my post telling the forum about Felton.

Mar 06, 2009
4:25 PM EDT
caitlyn it's a side effect of our requirement for logical thought processes, we encourage the use of it ... /humor /sarcasm /lols

Mar 06, 2009
4:31 PM EDT
Quoting:My comment about the naming of Mepis AntiX (which is political commentary in itself) was pulled.

I wondered what happened to that, damn I was going to have some fun with that.

Mar 06, 2009
5:03 PM EDT
Caitlyn, I didn't get a Political comment out of what he said, just good old fashion insults, not much I can do about that unless he starts cursing up a storm..

Mar 06, 2009
5:08 PM EDT
Is it just me or does Helios attract those types that beat up on people (physically or verbally)?

Mar 06, 2009
5:14 PM EDT
@nicsmr, probably, check out his photo.

Mar 06, 2009
5:21 PM EDT
I did... Looks like he's done a round or two with some guys I knew. Disease will do that to a person.

All kidding aside It seems to me that Ken is a magnet for these guys.

Recently with the teacher and now with these/this guy.

Mar 06, 2009
5:21 PM EDT
caitlyn -

Politics is wherever you look for it.

Of course, that could be interpreted as an unacceptable comment advocating religion, because it is a version of you find what you're looking for, which is just a modernized "Seek, and ye shall find", which can be found in Matthew 7:7.

If I mention wonderful warm March weather today, it might be seen as an attempt to promote awareness of global warming. Or to downplay the negative impact of global warming.

It's late afternoon, but WHOOPS!! Am I saying that the time to act is now?

I give up.

Wait....doesn't that mean...

Mar 06, 2009
5:26 PM EDT
@nicsmr, he's passionate, very very passionate. That gets up the nose of some people, especially when you consider that he's passionate about stuff that really does cause those types to react out of fear and uncertainty due to their doubt.

Mar 06, 2009
5:30 PM EDT

I'd have to agree with you 100% there. But there is a time to NOT have the last word. and that is when your physical well being is being threatened.

We have a saying up here.

You're Right... Dead, but right.

Be careful who you p**s off, Ken. Too many crazies out there.

That's all I have to say about it.

Mar 06, 2009
6:04 PM EDT
Ken is more of a target because he's out there in the world talking to people in meatspace, and doing the best kind of activism, which is face-to-face and hands-on. Not sitting at home behind a computer, sniping at other people on, oh say for example, the Ubuntu forums.

Mar 06, 2009
6:09 PM EDT
TC --

Or, to put it a tiny bit more succinctly, Ken is a target because he is effective.

Mar 06, 2009
6:30 PM EDT
[quote[If I mention wonderful warm March weather today[/quote]

There is nothing warm about the blizzard going on outside.

Mar 06, 2009
7:07 PM EDT
The nail that stands up gets pounded down.

In my experience, if you're willing to stand up for what you believe, you automatically become a weasel magnet.

Mar 06, 2009
7:24 PM EDT
@tc - yes, doing meatspace is hard! It don't come easy to us autistic geek types.

Mar 07, 2009
5:34 AM EDT
boomboom --

Sorry, here in Illinois we are having lovely spring nature. Perhaps the little weather elves decided that, between the Cubs, Bears, Blagojevich, Burris, and the US Olympic Committee, we have been through enough lately.

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