degree that this "partneship" depends upon prior art?

Story: Red Hat & Microsoft partner up!Total Replies: 5
Author Content

Feb 17, 2009
2:35 PM EDT
PJ's Groklaw reported yesterday that 'Red Hat Is Asking for Prior Art',
Quoting:Red Hat could use our help finding prior art in connection with the patent infringement litigation brought by IP Innovation, LLC, a subsidiary of Acacia against Red Hat and Novell.
Since Acacia may be connected with Microsoft (see, then how large a sum was passed between Microsoft and Red Hat in relation to both the ongoing prior art litigation and the current virtualization (virustrualization?) deal ???

- Red Hat's PR statement on the strongly "customer-demanded", "interoperability" deal at - Matt Asay's CNET piece 'Microsoft, Red Hat to interoperate patent-free' at - Current LXer thread on the MS-RH deal at


Feb 17, 2009
1:22 PM EDT
When is Roy S. gonna start the "Boycott Redhat" website?

Feb 17, 2009
2:09 PM EDT
Quoting:....the "Boycott Redhat" website?....

Thinking the same thing myself.

Feb 17, 2009
4:02 PM EDT
No, I would be surprised if Roy did anything like that - after all, its not like redhat made some sleazy secret deal with microsoft for a separate peace, at the expense of the linux community as a whole.

No, redhat did this the right way IMHO.

Feb 18, 2009
6:58 AM EDT
This deal (Redhat-Microsoft) is no more transparent to the FLOSS community than the much maligned Novell-Microsoft deal. In fact, it looks to be justified for much the same reason with much the same objectives: "Our customers are DEMANDING interoperability with Microsoft."


Feb 18, 2009
7:37 AM EDT
DarrenR --

Stop that!!!

Inconvenient truths are supposed to be about the climate, not free software.

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