I Give Up. Windows....

Story: I Give Up. Windows Is Proof That People Are Too Stupid To Use Computers.Total Replies: 21
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Feb 13, 2009
11:53 AM EDT
Whoa TC, that may get a $250,000 reward for your head! But, that was your best effort to date.

If Winders wasn't free nobody would use it!

Feb 13, 2009
12:01 PM EDT
I blame the users. Absolutely blame the users.

People stupid enough to keep banging their heads against the wall by using that cr@p deserve what they get.

Feb 13, 2009
12:28 PM EDT
The ones that just will not give up Windows, that I've met, are either wedded to a particular application/game, or they're afraid.

Just plain frightened.

They've achieved the end-all by being able to use Windows, they don't want to risk failing by trying something else.

Feb 13, 2009
1:27 PM EDT
It is a lot about comfort level. As an example: One of my best friends of 20+ years (who gave me the first computer I ever installed Linux on) after watching me learn and use Linux for roughly 5 years now is just now getting comfortable with the idea of switching his PC to Linux.

Its not like he doesn't know what I do for a living or have seen every one of my computers running Linux for years now..

Its all about comfort level, we as "Linux Advocates" need to find ways to make checking it out and/or switching to Linux more comfortable. How? I don't know. I do know that it has gotten better since Firefox came out. Getting people to switch just the browser they use was, and still is, a big big deal. That alone has changed how people view their interaction with the Internet.


Feb 13, 2009
1:27 PM EDT
Dino: Here is a from dinotrack for you: "o compare the 2 is an incredible insult to Wal-Mart, and, I suspect, an incredible insult to low-income shoppers."

Another dinotrack quote: "I blame the users. Absolutely blame the users. People stupid enough to keep banging their heads against the wall by using that crap deserve what they get."

Dude, is that an insult to the poor people stuck with m$?

Feb 13, 2009
1:53 PM EDT
Colonel --

Yes, but... I blame them for their stupidity, not for their socio-economic level.

Feb 13, 2009
2:50 PM EDT
Completely disagree. Windows is not proof that people are too stupid to use computers. More like, it's proof that there's a sucker born every minute and that a corporation, given the opportunity, will bleed you dry every chance they get.

People using Windows aren't necessarily stupid, just gullible and susceptible to flashing lights. Is there an actual correlation between a person's level of "suckerism" and their intelligence? Are fearful or lazy people actually less intelligent than the bold? Or diligent? If so, then I'll shut up, however I know "quite-a-few" very intelligent people that are afraid of the dark.

We're all susceptible to our own downfall because we're all suckers, to varying degrees, for things that promise us a thing. Even if that promise is far-fetched or downright dumb. Lol, didn't I just read about some "smart profession" just loosing a mint to a Nigerian scam?

This article will be seen as just another zealot ranting about the immovable object (by reason and fact, anyway) that is the Windows user's mind. Just more fuel for them to say we're all a bunch of elitist pigs.


Feb 13, 2009
2:57 PM EDT
Ignorance perhaps, I work with highly educated, and for the most part, intelligent, people. It still amazes me when I start traveling around how many of them are still ignorant of Linux.

Feb 13, 2009
3:01 PM EDT
Quoting:People using Windows aren't necessarily stupid

I somewhat disagree with this. I am under the firm belief that people are stupid. All people, not just Windows users. Individuals can do intelligent things and have good ideas, but over all people are stupid. If you disagree with me go watch a population of people and see all the stupid things they do.

Feb 13, 2009
3:19 PM EDT
People using Windows aren't necessarily stupid,...

Once people know they have a viable choice and still reload windows after a crash, they traverse the roll from victim to moron at record speed.


Feb 13, 2009
3:28 PM EDT
My Father, who is on my short list of "intelligent" people in the world just last week read one of my articles for the first time ever. Every time I have asked him to read something that I have written he has always given me the excuse that he wouldn't understand anything in them because he "doesn't know anything about computers".

For almost 3 years has not read anything of mine because he thought he was too stupid to get it because I write about "computer stuff" which he "knows nothing about".

I sent him the text of my editorial about newspapers, asked him to read it kidding him that even he would understand what I was talking about. Now all of a sudden he wants to informed of when I write anything.

Why? Because I finally got him to read something of mine that thought he could understand, he achieved enough of a comfort level to now actually want to read my stuff...

All it took was three years of patience and a 'decent' editorial..


Feb 13, 2009
3:36 PM EDT
Truth is that people aren't stupid.

People do stupid things, but that's a different issue.

There is too much to know and to much to do to be right and best with everything in this life. More or less, you make the choices that seem to make sense at the time, spending the most time on the choices that matter most to you.

For most folks, the choice of a computing platform is easy:

1. What do I need? 2. What is everybody else using?


Feb 13, 2009
4:27 PM EDT
The person is intelligent. The crowd is stupid.

But, lol, of course I cannot disagree at all with what Helios has written. I've written the same: if you know it's stupid and you do it anyway....lol

More to the point - I hold higher responsibility. Towit, if you see a thing is broken or in need of attention it's now upon you to do something about it. Certainly you cannot be expected to perform repairs to which you are not qualified. And, you cannot be held responsible for staring into a thing full-tilt and failing to see that it is, in fact, broken. In the real world of Human interaction we tend to exhonnerate the ignorant, unless they do it again. Maybe. ;)

With my children I see frequently that they will do a thing again, wrongly. Knowing full well that it is wrong. This they claim to do out of fear. At least that's the most popular excuse and that's what I can honestly say that I have seen in their eyes on those days where they are unsteady. New in their skins.

Fear of not really knowing how to "adjust" their way in order to do that thing correctly the next time. Adjust in order to learn. Fear of successful results for the responsibility that now follows.

Is it stupid to be consumed by fear?

I must allow my children and all that I meet their trangressions out of decorum, kindness - empathy perhaps and a bit of tolerance. Initially I cannot say, "Oh, you stupid....!" This makes the whole matter worse because it's not stupidity, it's fear, and that person is now confused and angry at your offense.

So the whole things just keeps going and going and going.


At my house you get your chances. We're all pretty smart here so we are all aware of a capability - at least an ability to learn. And all the rest to know what to do with the newly learned... point is, here we tend to err on the tolerant side. How many times have I looked my beautiful yong son - all full of hope and amazing - right in the face with venom in my eyes because instead of recognizing the fear in the poor boy's heart I saw stupidity!

The horror.

Good thing we don't take innapropriate actions out of the vast list of availabilities. Like castigating the boy, mean and slanderous name calling, or beating, or otherwise upsetting his balance and scaring him in ugly ways. Naw - we love the kid and we're happy to be in his life.

That's even -- OMG - friendship.

So, much as I loathe that stupid adult who calls me at odd hours disrespecting my Sunday schedule to fix his "internet", I don't loathe him for any stupidity for not being able to fix said issue or keeping his dumba** out of trouble in the first place. Nossir -- I wanna pound that selfish, uncooth neandertal into the ground for calling me and disturbing my Sunday with my family.

Which is far more important, really. Ey?

In 12 years I have banged my head right into the wall maybe 34,000 times. It's cool. Maybe it just took me 34,000 times to realize that just because they aren't doing it my way doesn't make them stupid. Or mean, or less than.

I reserve the right to disagree with tomorrow anything that I say today. Metaphores notwithstanding.

Feb 13, 2009
6:22 PM EDT
> The person is intelligent. The crowd is stupid.

That is one of the best reasons to treat people as individuals, rather than as members of a particular group.

Ah, the joys of anarchy.

Feb 13, 2009
6:26 PM EDT
The other day one of the blokes at work noted that the download period for the Windows 7 beta had been extended, He's a windows apologist, and I knew about this weeks ago, he's just found out. I said by way being a the stirrer that I am "They had to extend it because there wasn't enogh interest in it.", now that hit the jackpot. Other Windows apologist interject with, That's a myth, it was so popular they could process all the requests" or some such, and went on to say "If these guys invented a cure for cancer people would slag them " So I responded, "that's because it would be overpriced come in fancy wrapping and not work properly anyway."

Feb 13, 2009
11:52 PM EDT
No, people aren't stupid. I used to think they were, but I've since modified my Theory of Human Behavior. It comes from two observations:

1)People are lazy

2)Thinking is work

How many times have we all heard people whining "don't make me think! I don't want to have to think!"

Do we REALLY want agressively anti-thought people flooding the "Linux user" demographic?

Feb 14, 2009
7:19 AM EDT
Quoting:"don't make me think! I don't want to have to think!"

Well, that's exactly what I call "stupidity".

Feb 14, 2009
7:46 AM EDT
Quoting:If these guys invented a cure for cancer people would slag them " So I responded, "that's because it would be overpriced come in fancy wrapping and not work properly anyway."

Moreover, it would contain worms and viruses; something not allowed for medicines as far as I'm aware. But nonetheless they would buy approval, so we can be glad Microsoft is not into that kind of things.

Feb 14, 2009
9:39 AM EDT
DrDubious asks: "Do we REALLY want aggressively anti-thought people flooding the "Linux user" demographic?"

Hell no. But, they aren't anti-thought, either. They have kept themselves alive for so long already, this takes conscious thought.

We can call them anti-though all day long, like that one time I looked into my boy's eyes and shot venom at him because I thought he was being stupid. How many times can an adult make the same mistake? Takes me only one time. OK , OK -- maybe it takes more times with certain people. lol.

Still, applying a band-aid is not fixing the problem, it's not even recognizing the problem, only one of its symptoms. Seeing stupidity where it doesn't exist forces us to act upon a falsehood. Mis-diagnosing stupidity makes us treat stupidity. Some of us like to bang stupidity into the ground.


Only 'cause we fear it. Lol. We don't understand stupidity. We're being pretty medieval don't ya think? I mean -- if she floats she's made of wood and must be a Witch, right? Listen -- we don't understand stupidity any more than these poor sob's understand computing. How you gonna start feeling when they start condemning you?


When people demand "Don't make me think!" It's not because they can't do it - or are somehow so bedazzled by any results that their pointy-heads explode Scanners style. They mean - OMFG, life is hard. Every day I have more responsibilities and every day I have less tools available to me. Oof. Some of us can concur - life is hard.

But it's pretty damned fun, too. Wicked!

It's fear of failure, man. That's all. So powerful. So humorous to some, ravenous to others. Failing means you "must be stupid". At least that's what a lot of our parents told us as we came up (because we didn't do a thing their way, or some similar craziness) - and we ultimately ended up believing. Pfft -- failing means you got the balls to go for it, man!

That poor chickensh** Windows wreckage is petrified to fail at a thing (s)he doesn't even comprehend in the first place. Not even a little bit because we said -- here, here's your computer now go knock yourself out. You can pay me through the nose for my time to "teach" you. lol, but what a nightmare - they can't be taught!!!! Right? I mean, isn't that what we're saying here?

Oh, man -- the horror. lol, I never took meds for depression, but damn, let's keep putting these Windows users into the coat room with all those devils. lol. Psychopharmakillerdeathpotions-R-Us is having another banner year!

My cousin bought a netbook the other day because her college demands that she take tests online in this particular course. I dunno. Anyway, she needs a java applet in her browser (IE, of course as it's a Microsoft supported testing site) in order to take the exams. Site works fine in Linux - she had Debian on here machine and she was loving it. site worked fine in her browser...except for that java applet.

She couldn't take her tests and was falling behind - she had no legit Windows (lol, and neither do I anymore) and she panicked. Just like that woman we all read about a few weeks ago. So she bought a netbook and then she called me because it's less than what she expected and is having problems with some things.

She's not stupid. She's no Einstein, either but she's no dummy. Understands things. What she understood was that anything and everything she ever wanted to do on a computer was only dooable with Microsoft products. This is what she "knew" to be true, from those savage idiots spouting pop-culture in her face, and her savage idiot college in bed with Microsoft snuffing out vast tracts of globally standard tech to keep their purses bulging.

Gullability, fear -- please won't somebody gimme a hand here because every day I have more responsibilities and less resources to accept them, hip-checks, that standing alone far outside of everybody feeling....these things add up. And she's got 4 babies!

It's not stupidity and that label is getting pretty tired now - dontcha think? When communicating it's incumbent upon YOU to make your message understandable. You fail if they say, "Huh?" Epic fail.

Worse, still is when we all say -- Omfg what a moron! Don't they understand that all it takes is.....when on their shoulders is all that BS I already mentioned. Way to go.

Big man.


Feb 14, 2009
10:42 AM EDT
There's also the high likelyhood that, having experienced Windows, they believe that's just how computers work. (that is, NOT work, randomly and for no reason)

So Linux isn't going to work any better, why switch? At least with Windows it's a known quantity.

Just a thought. People really will, as Jefferson put it...

"...accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

It seems we're doomed to fight that fight in so many forums every day.

Feb 14, 2009
7:22 PM EDT
Education works! Thats the job for the Linux crowd, educate the people, the crowd, the other categories to be listed.

Don't yell at them. Show them the one true path to truth, justice and computational nirvana.

Of course you must teach them Ubuntu, no its Mandriva or maybe Debian wait, don't we mean Slack? Hey, Gentoo is the one if you don't want to use Fedora.

Burn some .iso's and hit the streets. Hand them out at the watering hole. Your AA meetings (/sarcasm), The fellow board members of your company (ies). Offer a stack to the public Library.


Feb 17, 2009
10:26 AM EDT
As a whole, I've found Mac users to be much more stupid than Windows users. By the very nature of the OS Windows users are forced to develop some degree of problem solving skills. Don't kid yourself. Just having some stable BSD under the hood does not an intelligent user make.

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