
Story: Open source developers ride the cloudTotal Replies: 4
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Feb 02, 2009
6:53 AM EDT
From the Java trap into the Cloud trap. Yes, the app is open source. Yes, you can get that source free of cost. You can tinker all you like with the source. Freedom 0. Errm, well, you can use it whenever you like, but you have to give up your first born to Google or Yahoo or MSFT or...

The pro's of Cloud Computing are clear. You don't have any responsibilities in relation to hardware, software, storage, data integrity and backup. Wonderful. The biggest drawback, which is mostly unmentioned, is that you practically don't own anything anymore. "Your" hardware is property of your service provider. "Your" software is property of the service provider and they have full control of the terms of usage. "Your" data is "your" property on paper. In reality it resides on machinery of a third party who has full control over the accessibility and format of that data. You better keep paying or you lose access to that which is rightfully yours; your data.

I have to disclose that I use Gmail. I know that it is a service as is. I know Google could pull the plug at any moment. I know Google rummages through my mails (be it automatically or even with human intervention). There is a lot of personal stuff in there. There is also a lot of trivial stuff in there with low importance. I wouldn't be up the creek if Google does pull the plug.

I would get a bit nervous if all my daily applications were hosted by Google or another provider. You'd need an ironclad contract to ensure you get what you need. Besides, the Joe Sixpack Terms of Service would most probably be pretty one sided. A bit along the lines of "All your base are belong to us".

Feb 02, 2009
7:47 AM EDT
"You have no chance to survive, make your time!"

And I agree what you wrote. It's a buzzword though, and like most current big things with associated buzzword, it will pass.

Feb 02, 2009
9:10 AM EDT
Quoting:like most current big things with associated buzzword, it will pass.
Except for ignorant managers who think they have to use the buzzwords to get respect.

Of course, if that's what they're thinking, they should be easy to circumvent anyway.

Feb 02, 2009
9:31 AM EDT

Feb 02, 2009
11:01 AM EDT
"somebody set us up the bomb"..

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