Precipice or at the Crossroads?

Story: Is Linux at the Precipice or at the Crossroads?Total Replies: 8
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Jan 29, 2009
8:57 PM EDT
Can any of you put that article into English?

Jan 29, 2009
9:22 PM EDT

Sure anything to help a pal: Slow News Day; Need More Clicks; ...


Jan 29, 2009
11:04 PM EDT
It's at the tsunami. It's at the nadir. Or perhaps the penultimate peninsula. It might be at train station, waitin' for a train. Where it is is where it's at. Shuffling off to Buffalo.

Jan 30, 2009
12:28 AM EDT
Your so awesome Carla.

Jan 30, 2009
3:20 AM EDT
Maybe it IS shuffling off to Buffalo. Think of Niagara Falls as the OS market. You have the Canadian side, and the American side. Most tourists end up at the Canadian side, because there's all those cheesy attractions there that have nothing to do with the falls or nature. The American side is more tranquil and un-cheesy. Much better to enjoy a stroll next to the falls.

There... I made just as much sense as the original article.

Jan 30, 2009
4:03 AM EDT
jagoc: Really? I would expected it the other way around. Cheesy stuff on the US side and tranquil nature on the Canadian side.

Jan 30, 2009
4:18 AM EDT
Hehe, ohhhh no... exhibit A:

Note the picture of the Burger King.

And granted it's American cheese... but still, it's on Canadian soil. The town is littered with that sort of thing. By contrast, the American side has very little. Not exactly "natury" though, since there's paving and buildings, but still... none of the over-commercialisation of the Canadian side.

Jan 30, 2009
7:38 AM EDT
> ...none of the over-commercialisation of the Canadian side.

No, but the view of the falls is much more impressive on the Canadian side.

Jan 30, 2009
7:43 AM EDT
Indeed, but if I were king, I would declare that as the perfect reason not to cheese it up. I guess they get to make their money that way.

Hey, my lame metaphor is starting to sound less lame.

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