It looks like a certain person from BN has taken to spamming

Story: Texas Group Brings Linux Computers HomeTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Jan 06, 2009
1:15 AM EDT
there's a post on Ken's blog that merely quotes some of the blog and links to the BN site

It's this one
Quoting: Boycott Novell » Links 05/01/2009: GNU/Linux at Honda Dealership, KDE 4.2 Release Parties Planned on January 5th, 2009

[...] Texas Group Brings Linux Computers Home In 2008, The HeliOS Project built, placed and supported 329 computers where they were needed. Sometimes it was necessary to travel over 100 miles to do it. Admittedly, 329 computers doesn’t sound like much. Not many at all in the scope of things. That is until you take into consideration one relevant fact. [...]

Jan 06, 2009
9:34 AM EDT

Be careful, it resembles a spam message I got purportedly from LXer with a subject line about a survey, but the content was selling some trash product. Spoofing sender addresses addresses 1s mind numbingly simple, look at the content of the message for a better guess which entity might be paying for the distribution.


I come out exhausted after pasting that sort of message. Can I sell you some prescription drugs? No, how about the World's Best Vitamins, or sexual enhancement kits ... how about some lead laced Toys for Tots (with other miscellaneous toxins mixed in, at no extra charge)? Tell me what can I sell you?

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